Looks like my transaction for a r4 is stuck
and my avalon 721 shipment is delayed
So at kano I will pm you for help on the stuck transction
@ any one that had a delayed avalon 721 do I contact someone or just wait as this is a first for me.
https://blockchain.info/tx/f1540a55dc09980b064310ffb4ec08449e0e4e800ae57673197993437d6247b8So I get an email saying :
Shipment Facts
Our records indicate that the following package has encountered international clearance delays.
Master tracking number: 8106xxxxxxxx
Reference: OR 1430982 XXXXXXX
Service type: FedEx International Economy
Packaging type: Your Packaging
Number of pieces: 3
Total shipment weight: 9.60 kg.
Special handling/Services: Deliver Weekday
Billing Information
Transportation: Shipper
Duties/taxes: Recipient
Commodity Information
Cntry of Mfg: CN
Harmonized code: 84715000
Cntry of Mfg: CN
Harmonized code: 84714140
Standard transit: 12/2/2016 by 8:00 pm
Resolving Clearance Issues
The reason international clearance of your package has been delayed is outlined below. Where applicable, resolution recommendations are also provided.
Exception Reason ---------------------------------------------------------------- Recommended Action
1. Description provided is insufficient to classify commodity.
2. A verification of the country of manufacture is required. ;
Preparing for Delivery
To help ensure successful delivery of your shipment, please review the below.
Won't be home?
You may be able to hold your delivery at a convenient FedEx World Service Center or FedEx Office location for pickup. See "Customize Delivery".
Customize Delivery
Do you have a special delivery need? FedEx provides convenient delivery options tailored for you at your home. On your time.
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FedEx Promo 1
FedEx Promo 2
FedEx Promo 3
Please do not respond to this message. This email was sent from an unattended mailbox. This report was generated at approximately 12:22 AM CST on 12/02/2016.
All weights are estimated.
The shipment is scheduled for delivery on or before the scheduled delivery displayed above. FedEx does not determine money-back guarantee or delay claim requests based on the scheduled delivery. Please see the FedEx Service Guide for terms and conditions of service, including the FedEx Money-Back Guarantee, or contact your FedEx customer support representative.
To track the latest status of your shipment, click on the tracking number above.
Standard transit is the date and time the package is scheduled to be delivered by, based on the selected service, destination and ship date. Limitations and exceptions may apply. Please see the FedEx Service Guide for terms and conditions of service, including the FedEx Money-Back Guarantee, or contact your FedEx Customer Support representative.
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So What do I do? Others got this what did you do?