Imagine TCP/IP, the most successful internetworking protocol:
if you are trying to claim LN is as good as internet protocol layer above apps.. you are fooling yourself
LN is a service not a protocol. LN has no network wide consensus protocol. its not even a standard. its a mish mash of crap apps that have issues communicating with each other
LN is a subnetwork not a top level
economics comparison
if dollar wire transfer was the main net..
LN is not the IMF SDR rail
LN is the venmo
TCP/IP was invented back in 1982.
Tik Tok came much later.
Also, it seems you don't know Windows 98 ran on top of the DOS kernel.
Old IT guys are very familiar with this layered approach. It seems it's all new to you.
windows/tiktok developers knew about a thing called user friendliness
even an idiot can use windows. and tiktok
read the posts in this topic of all the people having issues using LN
and as for "top layers"
tiktok is not a top layer. its a niche service
a top layer is the main backbone that manages other layers
a top layer domain is not "bitcointalk" its instead ".org"
a top layer is not "venmo" a top layer is "IMF SDR"
LN is not tcp/ip equivalent. its tiktok equivalent as you have admitted accidentality
coming later does not make it ontop it makes it secondary/dependant
i know you lemmings want to pretend LN is bitcoin2.0 or better than/ontop of bitcoin but LN can function without bitcoin. and it does ALOT of the time run without bitcoin
there are far more wallet users that dont run a bitcoin node than there are users with a bitcoin node.
tiktok can run without android it can run with Ios or other operating systems
windows/IoS/bitcoin are not dependant on LN running
LN is not dependant nor requires bitcoin.
bitcoin is not dependant nor requires LN
thus its not a protocol level system. its a sub service of a protocol level system
i laugh when lemmings think that LN is a protocol level system above a mainnet
seems you have not learned the many problems cypherpunks hit their heads against when trying to may digital money. which were solved by blockchains. seems you are the one that does not know about what blockchains provide and instead you want to go back to systems pre bitcoin to mess around with
but hey. you are only wasting your own time trying to promote what is considered as Myspace.. a defunct network/service
other people have given up waiting for LN promises. because even LN devs have admitted LN has flaws that cant be fixed. even whole countries have dropped LN to use something else
and one last thing. a reminder of the usefulness
even a idiot can get tiktok to run without a headache. but LN after 6 years is not made for idiots even if you are advertising failed LN to idiots
its time to accept it.
time to observe the failures of LN and start from scratch with a new service for the niche userbase you want to recruit. a niche service that actually works
LN has become the delay excuse the "wait until LN is popular before bitcoin gets to evolve" where, reality is. thats not going to happen. so time to move on from the LN failed experiment
yep even things like avalanche has more BTC liquidity locks than LN and avalanche is not even 2 years old
whilst others are choosing other niche services for microtransactions due to the failure of LN you lemmings are still flogging a dead horse of LN and then doubling down by saying bitcoin should not evolve until LN succeeds. hoping that you can sway the masses to use LN just so that it prompts devs to evolve bitcoin mainnet.
sorry but that sales tactic wont work. LN wont get popular its time to accept it and try something different