Jeed, has joined his mirror image Deej in the abyss.
It was caused by nothing your resident troll could wag his finger at. No flaws in either LND or CL. Just the foibles of a man, who try as he might, is apt to do silly things. Well Deej failed because of a fritzed HDD. While Jeed was slain by his master accidentally posting his private keys on an image sharing site.
Yes. You read that right. And it's a long story in which the hero thought he had CROPPED the funny image he was going to post somewhere but instead uploaded both of his monitors. The OTHER monitor had a notepad open with the list of LND and CL seeds (and passwords in at least one case!) he has used.
The image was deleted from the sharing site within moments of having been posted. But we know all about how "deleting" works nowadays. Perhaps some admin will see the image and think he's struck it rich. Luckily for me I know my way around both LND and CL fairly well now. In fact let me take a moment to praise the power of the lightning-cli command (CL). What a powerful set of tools there! I was able to use
lightning-cli listpeers
I am proud to say in spite of my ridiculous error last night I do know hopw to work both node implimentations quite well, and have well formed opinions of each.
Bottom line?
LND is more widely used, and for what ever reasons routes better than CL for the most part.
CL is just better software all the way around. The command line management is fantastic once you learn it.
But they are both great implementations, I think. Today I am fighting off the urge to spin up an Eclair node, which I have not done so far... but yeah. I think the roller coaster of me running lightning nodes might need to stop for a moment. However running the little BTC node on the Raspberry Pi will likely continue for some time. I don't need the hard drive yet.
Oh well. It's been fun. And I will likely still hang around here. Who knows? Maybe I will spin up another node eventually.