Because people won't be able to use it since they're not from my country (I shared a list long ago on my local board), but if you search in your country you will find some available to you. Try to look for "Buying gift card" "buying amazon gift cards" "sell gift card" and check the results. Not easy to find but there are.
You mean those kind threads in which people resell gift cards they
bought stole for a discount? We have those in our local section too, like e.g. this one:
Amazonaufladecodes zum Aufrubbeln 75% BTCUnfortunately in most cases buying gift cards from these people is highly dangerous since those gift cards are often either stolen or carded. In our German local section we just had a huge drama concerning stolen amazon gift cards. Several people from our local section bought gift cards from the seller mentioned in the thread above and the cards unfortunately weren't legit. One buyer was contacted by the German law enforcement and went through a lot of trouble to clear up the situation. Other buyers might be contacted in the future. (For more information just check this thread:
Ermittlungsverfahren wegen Amazongutschein gegen mich; it's in German but Google translate should help).
That's why I personally can not vouch for buying Amazon gift cards for
BTC from an untrusted (mass)-reseller here in the forum. It's different if a member sells a few gift cards he personally doesn't use, but if the seller has an almost unlimited supply of gift cards he can sell for 75%-80% of the face value, it's a huge red flag and one should ask him- or herself how it could be possible to sell these gift cards with such a discount.
As for the cashback, it's something well know from online shoppers there are many websites for this. Here too I use only french websites but there are surely plenty in your country.
You are absolutely right, I am often using cash-back when I am doing my regular online shopping for €, but since this thread is about
buying gift cards for crypto, I was looking for some kind of crypto/
BTC cash back. Do you know any other websites that offer some kind of crypto cashback for buying gift cards for
BTC? I unfortunately haven't found any others yet.
I guess you're from Germany? Maybe you could ask on if you're a member, and if you're not then it means you like paying normal prices
You are right, you can find plenty attractive deals on the website you mentioned above when you are looking for certain items, but I never heard of mydealz offering gift cards for
BTC or any other crypto. I am not quite sure, but I doubt they accept
BTC payments at all.