That's me .
I gave a few merits to my wife the minute I heard about this whole system .I didn't even understand the whole concept at the time ,I just did it .
And yes ,my wife's handle is "mister k" .No reason for me to explain to you why her handle is "mister" ,it's a long story and none of your business .
Check her email if you're that paranoid : "theknittinggirl..."
The others I received from french guys who like the work I do in the French version topic of airdrops .
Some guys here give 50 merits to their buddies ,I gave a few to my wife ,what's the big fucking deal ?
We can do with our sMerits (if we have some) whatever we want, spend for whatever we want and to whoever we want, as long as we don't cheat.
Apparently not, the higher ups will judge you as they like. If they think you are spending your merits on the wrong person you'll be receiving a negative trust. So you can't really spend it for however you like. Good luck to that.
so he starts with 8-4-2-1-0.... then what? he still needs 100 to rank up.
that's the beauty of this system, there isn't a lot of angles for someone with 2 accounts. now farmers with 20 accounts have a chance at 1 level up, but these connections will be made and called out