heh back in nov 2014 when i got my orig titan .multipools did not work with titans (knc got caught changing www pages from way back that said it was an alt coin
miner to orig conception a ltc miner to try and avoid this ..got caught lol)
anyway as a result I just held LTC and as of this point will probably clear (on 2 titans 2nd one used) 2200 LTC OVER what I could have gotten in BTC if I'd converted
daily on a multipool last summer say at 1.30 LTC per day etc to btc.that kinda thing thru out all of this last year..
so it has worked for me in 2015...we can hope it will work in 2016 (but with a 19% difficulty rise on LTC on the network this last pop ..me thinks that 1) all such china
data hall scrypt eguip that started that whole diff rise is now done and hopefully i can mine for 6 months before the next lot of miners hit the world (doubtful)
2) that LTC price probably in relation to btc price pops so the difficulty increase will be moot (also doubtful)
who knows at one time I drank the KNC kool aid (at least I roi'd via luck ..you knc pr**ks....so whatever happens at least i climbed out that trap/hole
However, there aren't really that many scrypt manufacturers out there, at least not the scale that bitcoin has. Also I doubt KnC will do next gen of titans. But who knows.