Sebuhs market cap is 150k based on 0.01x840 give or take 50. He was exchanging miners but had some image files attached in messages on xcp as I understand it, i.e no artistic merit more so technical.
I suppose Sebuh and my ERC-20 stash were similarly dormant for years without market tracking but I also have a waves token from 2018 (and another dormant from 2017 with the difference between the two in reissuability).
The waves supply was already sold to russians in 2019 raising 3500 waves when waves 1.15 usd. There main purpose in maintaining the market for that token is because of consistent multi party price data going back to early 2018 on multiple aggregators except cmc and coingecko.
But as we know waves is not a hot spot for NFT collectors so this market is perhaps comlimentary to the dormant ERC-20 which indeed is 100% undistributed since minting and sitting in my wallet last time i checked.
Which leads me to the second point in the value prospective of NFTs that were minted recently on rarible or opensea. There is no on-chain provenance to attest that the art and tokens are inexchangeable for many reasons such as my focus on selling physical assets in 2017 because it would not be possible to sell jpgs at the time and secondly because the source files of this art is 30mb+ per image. Thirdly, I could have hyperlinked the art in token description but chose the link in favor.
The art was finished in 2016 but was enhanced by artists over the course of years at great cost of thousands of dollars to make it commercially viable according to my technical standard which is related to scaling and printing, but also for NFT displaying in large format without pixelation.
These artists are following me on twitter and linkedin and are anticipating royalty payments from any future sales of the NFTs since that it a native feature of rarible and opensea. The rarible royalty is 15% and there is a whole section on how this profit will be divided with investor airdrops, artists and the company.
To conlude the second point in the above paragraph: the importance of the newly minted NFTs are secondary to its genesis wallet which is the holder wallet of the erc-20's deployed in 2017 and thus the source of value and irreplicability.
Collectors can view any genesis wallet in each NFTs history section on Rarible or Opensea and there they will find my company wallet as the source of the mint. This is the easiest method of cetification there are others such as custom contract deployment using vaulted or wrapped tokens from the erc-20 batch but this is very complex techincally and expensive. Cryptopunks uses a wrapped version on Opensea but their founders are technical prodigies and that is a big reason why their collection is worth billions.
The monetization problem as I find it after 5 years of examining this case is multi pronged:
1. The waves version is solid in terms of financial tracking but less so from a collectible viewpoint and the waves founder Sasha Ivanov and alot of the devs over there refuse to verify my token for wider investor visibility because they think it lacks RIDE programming functionality and relevance. If this was cmc and waves verified the market cap would go up alot. Unfortunately this is completely outside my control I even had a London team of attorneys try and help me in 2018 with verification free of charge.
2. The ERC-20 is listed on uniswap but there are no active participants because I want to IEO 100% of 66k supply with top 20 partner as I think it is more valuable intact and monetized with an experienced partner rather than distributed privately like the waves batch which sort of fizzled as there wasn't any insider leaders to support it over time and grow it. Secondly the waves batch was distributed in 2019 to passive investors and this only helped with short term funding but was not a good long term choice. So I am waiting for an insitutional buyer such as a museum or gallery or crypto exchange and this is of course very difficult to obtain with a project that is not as technically proficient and flush with on chain provenance like for example autoglyphs. I talked to Christies they don't touch this stuff without ample market liquidity and history. And how do I convince an institution to buy something for millions that I am only 75-80% confident may possess any value? This stuff can easily become problematic legally and it is impossible to use any mainstream marketing channels to build awareness I got blocked by google, ms, yahoo, reditt etc before the ads even were up.
3. A 60k NFT can be obtained for less than a thousand dollars when buying 20m M2 tokens on waves and swapping it. 19m are listed in market as of writing for 346 waves which is 865 dollars when waves 2.5. But yes generally this only concerns the first few NFTs because once there is proof of traction and demand, the price will increase.
4. There is some confusion on serialization of this collection. It is not a superrare as there is an XCP, Waves, ETH version each with corresponding swap tokens and all created in 2017. It is also early such that waves haven't yet produced a native NFT marketplace but when they do I will use the same 2017 waves wallet (if possible) to migrate rarible NFT there (waves nfts aren't yet minted on rarible for this reason, only eth version). The XCP version is in permanent exhibition so it is not for sale it is intended for the gallery circuit. The eth version is the one I am seeking to monetize at 25 NFTs x $100k which leads us back to point.2 in this explanation.
It is difficult for me to sell any of the ERC-20's to private buyers on Bitcointalk or wherever because two reasons. 1. It is a high price. 2. It is beyond speculative, risky and illiquid.
If there are a few consistent sales with good documentation then I would not be surprised if the first time buyers could flip them on Christies because then there would be third party price data. But there is no certainty that Christies will produce any profit for you. For the Museum it would be very beneficial to be a part of the Christies circuit with a few collection pieces.
So it is kind of a chicken egg paradox at the moment but if someone provides an OTC offer for a stack of ERC-20s or better yet a rarible NFT (which can be swapped for ERC-20 vault tokens) then shoot me a pm. I forgot to add another utility of the token vaule which is to provide liquidity to NFT investors as a form of LTV. This was initially 90% but more practially 25%-30% for the first cycles because this early funding must be used for important expenses.
Finally I think there is a lack of coherent and encompassing business document to destill all of the data of this project into a pagelet that prospective investors will feel confident in. I could rectify it with a legal partner but at its core this project is really not that hard to understand and there is really not any custom technology going on here its mostly turnkey solutions the only proprietary IP is the art which is what it is, and the timestamping of the token vaults.
So it maybe a hard sell to directly compete in vintage NFT price brackets without industry backing or expansion venues. understandably but at the same time anyone is free to make offers on both rarible and opensea. This lack of offers, even 1 dollars is obviously a sign that the market is not absorbing the content of this project adequately. Because I do believe that anyone would have time and resources to push an offer button for 1 usdc but it hasn't happened so clearly something is eluding me.
There is small activity on the waves token with buy and sell but its miniscule amounts. I am supporting it daily with liquidity to maintain trackers. In the end it must be acknowledged that this is NOT an NFT at inception it was an ABT with a focus on shifting physical books and prints (digitally created I may add) which were then converted into NFTs very recently. Most of the ABTs from 2017 mainly gold backed, have not moved at all in value. My ABT was unique because it was art backed, and it is the very first art based crypto project with a native token vault which is something that Punkbasic and APEs understood the need for years later. I filed a patent in 2018 for this business method because I recognized that it had industrial implications which was acknowledged by the patent examiners themselves!
Yeah this was all kind of railroaded during the boom last year and even today but not without reason. Would have been much worse if it was a bona fide vintage NFT that I had crafted in solidity. That would have been a shame but it probably wouldn't be the case then, had plenty of eyeballs on this one such as Leonidas.
Like you say probably some form of value here but I can't do much more at this point it will require community consensus around it similarly to Mitch's DZIPS which was a late comer in the vintage party last year. I was in his discord when it popped and these tech guys (nerds) were gushing over the SC they don't care about anything else like artistic merit and off chain stuff. And I don't blame them for it when dropping 100k or more on an investment in emergin asset need bullet proof DD.
The waves token is a good entry into a piece of the action on this side imo. Pretty much not alot of risk at 10k market cap.
************* chain (waves) mention of the book 28th september 2018 and the full version of said book linked here on bitcointalk feb 17th 2018. The same link is embedded in a Binance listing application email that I have saved in my email account it is from early 2018 (
This combination of provenance is the strongest evidence I can provide of the token and project intent. The first tokens were xcp and erc-20 minted ni 2017 and the art existed way back in 2016. can say what they want about their intent when creating old NFTs and whatever tbh I dont see any form of coherent intent except for the larvalabs guys.
I had an entire architecture in mind, a 21st century mytholoy.
There is a reason for existence of this art and crypto integration. It is a mythos and philosophy with flavor and historical context.
In a cultural perspective it mirrors the other 2017 crypto art stuff. Mine is 9000x6000 pixels theirs is 24x24bit resolution.
They couldn't give you a plain english sentence for the reason of existence in a cultural sense.
My intent was always on a sovereign level with inspiration from Germania and Revelations. It was also the outcome of internal struggle with health complications and pariah of one of europes wealthiest dynastic clan.
An authentic attempt at breakaway and revolutionary mechanisms of sovereign empowerment compared to wishy washy and vapid NFTs that are gimmicky and without intent which is evident in their lack of original fintech implementations such as the vaults which were copy pasted ad hoc from systems such as my own.
Everybodys now looking for the first, original yadda yadda NFT. My stuff is not where you find the technical wizardry but it is the cultural cornerstone in the crypto art zeitgeist which includes NFTs in some key aspects such as the ad hoc vaults.
These projects like Sebuh are random dude, you gotta look beyond the timestamp because that's what the pros will be doing once it goes into aftermarket circulation. You people are clearly amateur art purveyors.
An cultural object must contain the potency to start a world religion or world war otherwise it is irrelevant as a historical centerpiece.
My categorization of this art is "invasion" and "weaponized mythos". I was exploring a stone age hunter/cave art dichotomy.
Here is nuance and complex manifold of the caliber in swiss watch making and pandoras box in hellraiser.
it was never intended for the commoners.
It was an exhibition of inclusive fitness targeted non verbally to a subset of jetset aristocrats. Purely an exploration and ascent in Social Dominance matrices. Way above the cultural pay roll of the mainstream, High Culture.
I am not in war with these people any more and I am at peace with myself.
This project is the highest caliber crypto art by far because of its foundational implications in a cultural sense. I studied all the others none even come close except cryptopunks.
Legacy players like Hirst completely missed the baal on this run up they are culturally obsolete. Mine is native from the start, the epicenter of this movement except in the technical area.
My contribution answers the questions of origin, why and where it is heading in a cultural mythologizing sense.
I did not invent this zeitgeist but as a contemporary observer I absorbed its momentum and combined it with personal contemplations and critiques to create something of cultural relevance.
The mythological framework I built on is heavily adapted from religious and silicon valley sources. As far as context this is holistic unlike the NFT counterparts which are doubling down on cultural vapidity. At least they are true to their nature and so am I so no I don't claim to be the inventor or NFTs at all but I claim to have contributed something unique into this space which did not come from nowhere it is part of a generational cultural momentum and for this reason it is an authentic center piece in this space. It is also quite old to be honest.
I do however claim to have invented what is today known as NFTx or NFT vaulting.
This entire era in crypto art is best designated as early "Neofeudal". I had to delete an entire paragraph because this becomes too long but this generation of crypto art may be best known for its silent commentary on social immobility and permanance of status quo. A muted revolution where the art itself is only a spring board for thought that feed into more practical upheavals.
Then again there is Cryptopunks and they made bank on meritocratic talent but how does this help the other 99.99% of people, so what is essentially cryptopunks relevance at large as a social commentary because retail is priced out anyway. They can't buy a whole CP right so mint punkbasic in a liquidity system which I invented 5 years ago now everyone has equal opportunity. There are different sides to this coin who and what are relevant for whatever reasons it isn't singular which is why there is some merit even to obscure projects. It is never easy to discovery value like the next Warhol, Picasso and it is not enough to invest only by timestamps because you will miss the thunder. Context by influence in an artistic movement is an important investment criteria and it is important for professional curators. Technical implementation is technicality where tectonic plates of cultural momentum is established. Crypto investors are not pricing in the worth of cultural capital.
And they are not pricing in the value of an essential liquidity component of NFTs which is NFTx to which I hold the graal token which is the first of a kind. Pony up if you want a piece of crypto art history. Or keep living in denial until the culture institutions catch up and I sell it off to a Museum for $200m.
I'd part with this 66k OG ABTx supply for $3m USDT straight up in a 1 time OTC deal. If the buyer is worth his grit and got the contacts he will turn this into x10 by top 20 partner and drumming up a christies auction. These nuggets are far and few inbetween and it only goes up in value over time, if the yardstick is 20th century art pioneers and previous price performance of similar assets.
Here it is in all its glory the very first liquidity mechanism for fractional asset trading specifically in the blockchain art category: is the vastly imitated (NFTx) patent application: me an earlier deployment of similar character and I will change my mind until then price is $3m USDT for the lot.
$4m USD appraisal: this was all NFT/x we'd be looking at 3-4 billion not million. This is ABT with ABTx progenitor system to NFTx so DD before buying please.