Mintspare Update - Friday, February 14th Open Beta We’re excited to announce that we’ll be moving from a closed beta format to an open beta format starting today. Visitors will be able to browse and explore more of the website without actually making an account although they will not have access to many features without creating an account.
Website Link:
www.mintspare.comLowering CostsOur costs have been and will be significantly lower than projected, in part due to significantly budgeted furniture & computer equipment, opting out of a cargo truck and instead using an employee vehicle, and paying some employees fully with my personal equity instead of salaries.
SecurityOver the past week, we’ve been working on setting up an affordable yet effective cold storage system. The majority of bitcoins in our positions are already placed in cold storage. We’ve set up strict security implementations/protocols at our location. We are now trying to take it to the next tier of cold storage security and implement multiple levels of redundancy.
DividendsDividends will be held back until our official launch in March. They will then be paid on a weekly basis.
MarketingSmall marketing initiatives have begun while the site is still in beta. Last Friday Mintspare’s post on r/Bitcoin made it to the front page and garnered us many new users. In addition to this
we are proud to announce that we also had a mention in Business Insider!
Here are the links: is extremely important to our goal of building Mintspare’s brand. Once we launch at the beginning of March, we’ll be implementing many simultaneous advertising campaigns with different sites from within the bitcoin community among other initiatives which we will announce at a later time.
Inside Bitcoin - New York CityGalfry Puechavy, the founder and CEO of Mintspare will be attending one of the largest expected Bitcoin conferences in the world to date: Inside Bitcoin. He will be speaking on behalf of Mintspare at the April 8, 10:45 am - 11:30 am Panel: Creating and Funding the Next 100 Great Bitcoin Companies
Work at MintspareWe are growing rapidly and are constantly looking for talented people who are passionate about bitcoin! Part-time or full-time, feel free to send us your resume at: