P.s. Here is a script that changes the public key and range in the working file.
from math import log2
import os
HEADW = 0xFA6A8001 # work file
def bytes_to_num(byte_data):
return int.from_bytes(byte_data, byteorder='little')
def checkhead(wf):
head = bytes_to_num(wf.read(4))
if head==HEADW:
return head
print('HEADER ERROR %08x %08x' % (head, HEADW))
return False
def workinfo(workfile):
wf = open(workfile, 'rb')
head = checkhead(wf)
if not head:
print('Invalid WorkFile Header')
return False
version = bytes_to_num(bytes(wf.read(4)))
dp1 = bytes_to_num(bytes(wf.read(4)))
RangeStart = bytes_to_num(bytes(wf.read(32)))
RangeEnd = bytes_to_num(bytes(wf.read(32)))
x = bytes_to_num(bytes(wf.read(32)))
y = bytes_to_num(bytes(wf.read(32)))
count = bytes_to_num(bytes(wf.read(8)))
time = bytes_to_num(bytes(wf.read(8)))
f'Header : {head:08x}'
f'\nVersion : {version:d}'
f'\nDP Bits : {dp1}'
f'\nStart : {RangeStart:032x}'
f'\nStop : {RangeEnd:032x}'
f'\nPubKey X : {x:032x}'
f'\nPubKey Y : {y:032x}'
f'\nCount : 2^{log2(count):.3f}'
return True
def getuncompressedpub(compressed_key):
p=2**256 - 2**32 - 977
y_parity = int(compressed_key[:2],16) - 2
if y_parity>1:
x = int(compressed_key[2:66], 16)
y = int(compressed_key[66:130], 16)
return (x,y)
x = int(compressed_key[2:], 16)
a = (pow(x, 3, p) + 7) % p
y = pow(a, (p+1)//4, p)
if y % 2 != y_parity:
y = -y % p
return (x,y)
def MakeChanges(workfile, NewPubCompressed, NewRB, NewRE):
if os.path.exists(f'{workfile}'):
print('Old header:')
if workinfo(workfile):
#make some changes
(x,y)= getuncompressedpub(NewPubCompressed)
with open(workfile, 'r+b') as wf:
wf.write(NewRB.to_bytes(32, byteorder='little'))
wf.write(NewRE.to_bytes(32, byteorder='little'))
wf.write(x.to_bytes(32, byteorder='little'))
wf.write(y.to_bytes(32, byteorder='little'))
except Exception as e:
print(f'File error {e}')
print('New header:')
print(f'File {workfile} is not exist')
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-f', dest='workfile', type=str, required=True, help='WorkFile path')
parser.add_argument('-pub', dest='pub', required=True, type=str, help='Compressed public key')
parser.add_argument('-rb', dest='rb', required=True, type=str, help='Begin range')
parser.add_argument('-re', dest='re', required=True, type=str, help='End range')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.workfile:
print(f'Workfile {args.workfile}')
MakeChanges(args.workfile, args.pub, int(args.rb,16), int(args.re,16))
Thank You for posting link and description. Have You ever gentelmans thought about creating 110bit of DPs instead of 80bit like in recent challange? Is it even possible? How big shuld be work file for -m 3 in that case? It would take aprox 15 Years with 10k CUDA core card. Crazy idea, but thereafter ~33.000.000 possible ranges for #135 to check. Economicaly, there is no point in such a move, but I think that there are some romantic in here In theory, how long does it take to check new public key in precompiled 110bit work file? @Etar, how long does it take You to find new public key with 80bit precompiled workfile?