personally me think merit system should not be there and ranks should be done via there post counts and quality of its posts
And just how do you expect the “quality” of the posts to be determined if not by a system such as the Merit System? There’s no AI algorithm that’s going to do that (yet), so at least we (the Forum community) can determine what posts are a contribution, and thus reward them for it.
I came in late into Bitcointalk, early this year, and accepted the Merit System without much resistance. Overall, it acts as a counterbalance to all the spam posts that are clogging Forum Sections with gibberish talk.
as of its too hard for new comers too to gather merits from old members who always do trades and exchange merit only for them but the person who is new and if he dont has btc to exchange then its less chance for him even after posting quality post on bitcointalk forum
Tried to make heads or tails about what you were saying here, but failed to understand what you meant about needing BTC, and the relation it has to posting quality. Is there a correlation we should be aware of there? The richer the wiser ?
lol now dont give me merit for this i know the points which me said is true and many will agree
Sure many will agree with you, but most will probably all have a common denominator looking through their post history: detritus.
It´s really down to where you put your focus. Just stick to the golden rule: Merit is not a right you’re born with but a gain that requires effort.