One thing about individuals like us (presuming that you are an individual) is that we can move pretty quickly as compared with institutions and governments, and we can be a few steps ahead of institutions and governments.
Bitcoin is one of the only assets (perhaps the only) in which it has been made widely available to normies in all parts of the world in order that we can front run the rich people, the institutions and the governments that usually front run the normies and even exclude normies from being able to buy. With bitcoin (depending on your exchange or your source for your coins), you can buy as little as $5 at a time.
Regarding the industrial, jewlery, utility and perhaps other non-monetization aspects of gold, sure no problem. Having various other utility does not necessarily make gold better than bitcoin, especially since bitcoin has its own various uses that relate to programability, and of course, bitcoin is a different (and non-physical) asset which brings a lot of benefits including in the monetary realm in which physicality might be a hinderance in terms of various moneyness.. such as verifiability, scarcity, transportability, divisibility, expenses involving third parties related to security and privacy, and some other areas.
Bitcoin can also exist in physical form. You can engrave or print private keys/seeds on a physical coin or artifact and load BTC on it.
The bitcoin is still digital, even if you might be carrying around a physical representation of the private keys with you... that is not the bitcoin that you are carrying, but access to it.
The bitcoin itself is not contained on the private keys or the physical representation of the private keys however you might choose to store such private keys, but they are validated by nodes (and audited in regards to if they had moved) every 10 minutes and copies of the ledger of such is spread across the planet. You are thinking about bitcoin wrong if you are trying to pigeonhole it into some kind of physicality... even if there are hundreds of thousands of computers, if 90% of the computers got taken out, then bitcoin would be present on the remaining 10%...and perhaps only two computers are needed to keep bitcoin alive, yet it is product of consensus for the computers running nodes.. tick tock next block, every 10 minutes consensus as to regard to which is the valid block in the event that there might be disagreement and rules for resolving disagreements that has been working so far..
So basically, you can "wear" Bitcoin the same way you can wear Gold.
You are getting dumber and dumber the more you try to argue this point.
Sure you could wear some representation of bitcoin, and you could keep the keys in a variety of ways, including hiding them in a picture or a piece of art or perhaps fragments of your private keys spread across 10 people.. that still does not make the bitcoin physical, even if you might have some physical ways of storing your private keys.
In fact, Bitcoin is more portable than Gold because you can carry millions of dollars in it completely hidden from plain sight.
That is due to bitcoin's non-physicality. Bitcoin is information that contains value, and you are correct about carrying the private keys in plain sight without anyone knowing the difference if they are not sure about what they are seeing.
No bulky bars to carry around, bringing unwanted attention. A great way to bring money with you at the airport. Gold is not admissible there, but BTC does.
Now you are arguing against yourself in terms of your earlier assertion that bitcoin can be physical.
After all, who's going to notice you're carrying Bitcoin (especially when it's store on a small medium such as a microSD card, implanted microchip, or small piece of paper)?
Again, you are not carrying the bitcoin, even though you are carrying private keys, which are pieces of information that you may have ended up choosing to store in terms of certain kinds of physical ways.
So not only Bitcoin is superior to Cash like Michael Saylor said, but it's also superior to Gold. It won't be long before Bitcoin replaces the yellow metal. Only smart people will benefit from the upcoming Bitcoin "Gold" rush. The question is: Are we ready to embrace such change?
Bitcoin has already brought a lot of changes, and it will continue to bring a lot of changes, and surely bitcoin may have reached a point of unstoppability, even though there surely are going to continue to be attempts to battle it and stop it, and there seems to be increasing whining about bitcoin especially from the no coiners and/or low coiners.. and the overwhelming majority of the world's population are no coiners and/or low coiners, but bitcoin is not made to validate based on proof of whining from no coiners, and one of the best, if not the best way to proceed with bitcoin is to get as much of it as you can as soon as you can (without wrecking yourself).
Even though bitcoin is anti-fragile, each of us humans who carry bitcoin are fragile, so surely it would be better to be onboarding the low coiners and the no coiners through cooperation and their own free will rather than their battling us in regards to their status... a status that they are empowered to change, and it is better that they act sooner rather than later, since no one is going to bail them out if they choose to continue to stay low coiners or no coiners.
And surely Saylor is quite open about his own philosophy to get as many bitcoin as he can (for himself and his company), which he considers to be a good thing for him, for his company, for his shareholders, and for society as a whole for him to be telling others to do the same.