For all out there with stability issues:
I just released a
new version (0.12) of
I can not guaranty that I canceled out all issues we had, but its unlikely that the new version is worse than the old
Here is the change-log for the new version:
v 0.12 beta:Changes to the "--enable-nv-hotfix" switchThe hotfix is now a bit less aggressive compared to v 0.11. It may be that the CPU load is slightly up compared to the previous version, but the new algorithm is doing better when recovering from a time with overall high CPU load. If the old version worked better at your side you can still download the old version v0.11
here (Win 64) and
here (Lin 64) .
In general for the miner monitor the load during the first minutes of running. If you have an overall system load above 60% I would recoment running less instances of lolMiner and use the remaining graphic cards for mining with an other coin.
Fix of the "compile() error"The miner now also runs on older AMD implementations with the official AMD drivers. The most ancient card I tried was a Radeon HD 7770 (GCN 1, released February 2012 (!) ) and it runs fine with about 600 sol/s when using Windows 10.
Fix of a "lucky user" bug.There was one strange bug in the miner causing a segfault when too many solutions were found with one equihash run. Usually on average about 2 solutions are found, 4-5 can happen, but I had one report of 10 solutions in one run. v 0.11 was not prepared for this, but now it is ^^
Improvements to reconnect function.Before there were multiple threads testing if the stratum connection is still valid and that may have issued a reconnect. This sometimes caused that thread #1 wanted to restart the reconnect attempt just started by thread #0. Now there is exactly one thread left that is able to issue a reconnect when an error is detected. Also after the first reconnection attempt the miner will now wait for 30 seconds to give the pool time to respond before the next reconnection attempt is taken.
Shipment with new libraries in Windows versionWe had some reports about libstdc++ library crashes in Windows version. I updated all libraries in Windows version to newer versions. This does not guaranty that the stability issues are gone, but maybe the new versions help. At least I had no issues with the new versions in first testing.
Happy hashing
Edit: @Racquemis1: You got some private message.