Online casinos with a valid license are almost as real life casinos with same rules regarding the age restrictions. Most of casinos require 21 Years Old age to be able for an individual to start betting or gambling. While some casinos allows you from 18 YO.
I think it’s logical and scientific proven that a person starts taking responsibility and thinking straight about his own decisions to know well he is gambling and understand the risks of his actions. That’s why all legit and certified casinos ask for your documents and KYC process
In my country you are a full adult at the age of 18, you can gamble, but strong alcohol, take out loans and buy a house. When I think back at my 18th birthday and how excited I was to visit a casino, I am not so sure if that age was enough to understand everything money related. Maybe 21 is the safer age so that everybody is developed far enough. These strict age restrictions are also a bit misleading because people develop so differently. There can be someone with 17 acting more mature than someone with 27. What surprises me the most is that politicians want children to vote and drive with 16, which seems counterintuitive because how can you make the right decision in one area and not the other. Politicians shouldn't be cherry picking and make strict laws for all sectors. If we need to protect our children from their own actions, how can they choose our next president? Either the brain is fully developed or not, choosing 18 for all matters seems like a good compromise.
When I turned 18, I had a very simplistic worldview and couldn't fathom being responsible for my own finances, let alone casting a vote for a country's leader. It makes me think back to the naive, free-spirited me of my adolescent years.
Putting an age limit on something might be deceiving because it makes an assumption about a person's maturity level. However, maturation isnt a linear process whereby, once you turn 18, you're done. You have the mental faculties and maturity to make sound choices now that you're an adult. The age of majority, 18, appears to be more of a social construct than a measure of actual maturity.
Is it really right to expect 16-year-olds to make important political choices? There's some animosity because its unfair to expect people who are still trying to figure out life to select their leaders. The ability to complete a task is no guarantee that you are actually prepared to do so. These age-based conventions need to be reconsidered so that we may strike a balance that works for everyone.