Many people may remember the time that I took that table down in favor of the % of profitability table. The response was overwhelmingly negative. The problem with it, though, is that it is a meaningless way to measure the competition. This is because of the timing involved, compared with rising difficulty. If a company says they are shipping a product in June 2014 with a great GH/BTC they will shoot to the top of the list. It won't matter if they are profitable or not.
For the most part companies are pricing their equipment in a way that reflects a GH/BTC that puts them in a reasonable place. I would like to switch over, though, because I don't want to give anyone the impression that this is a good way to measure. The column itself is a vestigial part of the table left over from before I had enough lead times to be able to put down ROI.
The main table now will be % of ROI, or profitability. The reason it took me a while to be able to switch to this, is that I needed to have the information about each manufacturer posted on their own page. Since I finished that this week, and got reminded in the email I mentioned to do this, I think it is time.
Let me know if you have any concerns,
Thanks for this new arrangement, I think it's quite a fair way to represent the list. I did notice that if you would sort them based on a higher difficulty rise (such as 20%) the table would look quite different. I'm not entirely sure why this is.