1x MSI RX470 4GB GAMINGX HYNIX @ 1030/2050 BIOSMOD: strapmod, no voltage edits 65282-65288 stock, no voltage offset
5x POWERCOLOR RX570 REDDRAGON 4GB ELPEDIA @ 1010/2000 BIOSMOD: strapmod, voltages edited to much to explain here... around 750 to 925, no voltage offset
5x POWERCOLOR RX570 REDDEVIL 4GB HYNIX @ 1010/2000 BIOSMOD: strapmod, voltages stock 65282-65288, voltage offset -75mv in bios
2x ASUS RX470 STRIX 4GB ELPEDIA @ 1010/1850-2000 one card is not stable at 2000mhz memory BIOSMOD: only strapmod no voltage edits no offsets
1870 watts from the wall in dual mining mode ETH+DCR with decred intensity of 20. So getting around 340-360mh/s ethereum and around 7 gh/s decred.
Didnt test eth only mode now but i think it will be 150-200 watts lower.. can also go higher but its not worth it pump 300 watts more in to get maybe 360 to 380 mh/s and 10gh/s DCR
but it took a while to get it to low power hehe for me more the memory is a problem most of my cards wont do more than 2000mhz memory clock
and yes i like SMOS
but on my 7gpu rigs it will somehow not run msi z170a carbon gaming pro after bios post screen it goes black and with onboard gpu its also not working hmm ?? windows does the job here its also ok hehe its free for mining you dont need stupid windows key hehe