
Topic: - 1.5% fee DGM/PPS - tx fees/vardiff/merge mine/tor - page 79. (Read 361941 times)

sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 250
I'm mining away, and viewing stats over TOR Browser, but wanted to know if there are any issues with trying to process a withdrawal now?

Thanks, sorry this creeper is wasting everyone's time. And for nothing...

withdraws are working fine.
sr. member
Activity: 308
Merit: 250
I'm mining away, and viewing stats over TOR Browser, but wanted to know if there are any issues with trying to process a withdrawal now?

Thanks, sorry this creeper is wasting everyone's time. And for nothing...
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1060
Using tor is easy, just get vidalia

Can someone post proxy command line for cgminer

And possibly make vidalia listen network wide
sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 250
i'm also busy trying to bump up my own hash-rate.
the only problem I have is the cap on the power draw in the colo i'm using. I can run 2 of my 3 rigs at full power or I can run 3 rigs at low wattage (thank goodness for spondoolies mining software!)... I should have another 1TH on later today, then another 1TH/s tonight.. and another 500GH/s on tuesday next week.

fingers crossed we hit a block soon!
Activity: 4326
Merit: 8950
'The right to privacy matters'
a newer set of pool numbers.  I will try to post this 1 time each morning. I did the first 80 or so miners. we do have around 480 but the first 80 or so all have over 0.01 btc which is around 35 bucks.

Activity: 4326
Merit: 8950
'The right to privacy matters'
I am also running and on tor stats are saying we are up to 50.3th

I will post tor stats in the morning about 8 hours from now.  We can make do.  I can go deeper on the list tomorrow.

sr. member
Activity: 355
Merit: 276
I have a proxy in place now so that stratum mining to should be working. Let me know if there are issues.

Mine failed over to it. Thanks!

I am back up so thanks from me to.
sr. member
Activity: 308
Merit: 250
I have a proxy in place now so that stratum mining to should be working. Let me know if there are issues.

Mine failed over to it. Thanks!
Activity: 4326
Merit: 8950
'The right to privacy matters'
I have a proxy in place now so that stratum mining to should be working. Let me know if there are issues.

checking it now
sr. member
Activity: 375
Merit: 250
I have a proxy in place now so that stratum mining to should be working. Let me know if there are issues.
Activity: 4326
Merit: 8950
'The right to privacy matters'
don't know enough to do it. I setup tor and found the website  that is about it.
Under the 'Network' tab of that Miner configuration, is there a setting for SOCKS proxy?

okay clicked network tab

you  get an interface option with wan and lan I use lan   I am allowed to add an interface  can we do something here?

you get a wifi tab -----I don't do wifi

you get dhcp and dns

you get hostnames  --------- it is blank none added

static routes -----------------blank



sr. member
Activity: 375
Merit: 250
don't know enough to do it. I setup tor and found the website  that is about it.
Under the 'Network' tab of that Miner configuration, is there a setting for SOCKS proxy?
Activity: 4326
Merit: 8950
'The right to privacy matters'
still skips over your pool what is wrong?
Have you set tor up so that onion addresses resolve? If you're unable to do this I'll try and set up a proxy you can go through.

don't know enough to do it. I setup tor and found the website  that is about it.
sr. member
Activity: 375
Merit: 250
still skips over your pool what is wrong?
Have you set tor up so that onion addresses resolve? If you're unable to do this I'll try and set up a proxy you can go through.
Activity: 4326
Merit: 8950
'The right to privacy matters'
I've restored access to the pool via Tor. The Tor hidden service is phkttm64gbquasaq.onion. The pool website is available via this address and you can mine using stratum over Tor. To mine using stratum you can run cgminer using 'torify' or 'usewithtor':

usewithtor ./cgminer -o stratum+tcp://phkttm64gbquasaq.onion:3333 -u myuserid -p d=32
torify ./cgminer -o stratum+tcp://phkttm64gbquasaq.onion:3333 -u myuserid -p d=32

I hope to restore non-tor access at some point but this should provide a way to access your accounts and continue mining if you choose to do so.

still skips over your pool what is wrong?

sr. member
Activity: 375
Merit: 250
I've restored access to the pool via Tor. The Tor hidden service is phkttm64gbquasaq.onion. The pool website is available via this address and you can mine using stratum over Tor. To mine using stratum you can run cgminer using 'torify' or 'usewithtor':

usewithtor ./cgminer -o stratum+tcp://phkttm64gbquasaq.onion:3333 -u myuserid -p d=32
torify ./cgminer -o stratum+tcp://phkttm64gbquasaq.onion:3333 -u myuserid -p d=32

I hope to restore non-tor access at some point but this should provide a way to access your accounts and continue mining if you choose to do so.
Activity: 4326
Merit: 8950
'The right to privacy matters'
might I also suggest that you contact the cybercrime dept of your local police.
Extortion is actually - highly illegal - even when it's 'just' bitcoin.

We should all report our governments to the police then - cos they're constantly at it  Wink

Well they have the most lawyers the most guns and the most money.

@ op 

 let me know if I can help in anyway.
hero member
Activity: 686
Merit: 500
WANTED: Active dev to fix & re-write p2pool in C
might I also suggest that you contact the cybercrime dept of your local police.
Extortion is actually - highly illegal - even when it's 'just' bitcoin.

We should all report our governments to the police then - cos they're constantly at it  Wink
Activity: 4326
Merit: 8950
'The right to privacy matters'
might I also suggest that you contact the cybercrime dept of your local police.
Extortion is actually - highly illegal - even when it's 'just' bitcoin.

  Depends on country the pool owner lives in.  but in general it is a criminal activity.  What kills me is the amount someone is doing this for. 2 coins.

 So for about 700 usd someone is willing to risk a lot. I know they think they are smart enough to not be caught , but  a lot of effort for a small amount.  Our pool earns a block a month if it is lucky and remember we have gone 1400 hours mining and not made a block. At our worst.  So paying this prick 2 coins and then we mine say 850 hours for the next block.  F him or her.

I wish he would bother someone else and get caught.
sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 250
might I also suggest that you contact the cybercrime dept of your local police.
Extortion is actually - highly illegal - even when it's 'just' bitcoin.
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