Dear Support!!!
I send 30 XMR
07/24/2014 01:07:33 AM XMR 30.59498853 Completed
Address: 47sghzufGhJJDQEbScMCwVBimTuq6L5JiRixD8VeGbpjCTA12noXmi4ZyBZLc99e66NtnKff34fHsGR oyZk3ES1s1V4QVcB
TxId: 66c571678b3e90793f797996e323cdbe965d7f52de4d7173454e9f8796cda1d0
to Poloniex 47sghzufGhJJDQEbScMCwVBimTuq6L5JiRixD8VeGbpjCTA12noXmi4ZyBZLc99e66NtnKff34fHsGR oyZk3ES1s1V4QVcB
But not have a deposit Poloniex!
please return them to my deposit Bittrex!
Thank you!
Sometimes, you need to wait an hour before you see the deposit on poloniex.
Poloniex answer:
Hi ruslan4040,
I am going to escalate your ticket to Tristan, and he will look into it.
Here is instruction on how to deposit and withdraw crypto-note coins.
You will need a "deposit address" and the "payment id" to withdraw from exchange to exchange. That will be available on the balances page on or the balances page of the exchange you want to send to.
You cannot send from an exchange to an exchange or pool to an exchange,unless they have the option to add the "payment id". If they do not have "Payment Id" option, you must send it to your wallet first and then to the exchange from your wallet.
Withdrawing From Exchange to Wallet
Please go to your balance page and put your wallet address to withdraw crypto-note.
Depositing Crypto-note to exchange from wallet
To deposit Crypto-note to exchange from your wallet You will need to use the format below:
transfer 0 DepositAddress amountofcoin PaymentID
This must be exact. It is a good idea to copy and paste this from a notepad.
To retrieve the transaction id (TxID) for crypto-note coins, you can access it from the logfile in the wallet directory.Find the exact transaction id for the transaction you are missing in Poloniex, you can use the block explorer to find the correct transaction: will look like this, example:
Money successfully sent, transaction <08d27cd721732ee49eac8a63334c65384407aa8c43d9606b862fc754c5d4e51b>
Sending crypto-note coins the wrong way, is a very easy way to permanently lose your coin. When coins are sent incorrectly, and require recovery, there is never a guarantee that your coins will be recovered.
Best regards,
Johnny Garcia