Please note that Moneypot holds a strict policy on this matter. For multiple reasons, we cannot pivot away from this under any circumstances and your invested funds must remain locked.
The site clearly states "Once you submit the lock, there is no going back. You must wait the full duration before you can divest.
This feature is only here to help you manage your money as a last resort and we will respect the wishes of your past-self no matter what your future-self says." and then asks for a password confirmation to double check that the user is aware of the program being placed.
However, given the circumstances, Moneypot, in this one time instance, would like to assist you outside of this matter.
We have sent a PM regarding this to try and make light of this emergency situation in your time of need.
From this point forward, we will not unlock any investments, even those of emergency nature, and will change the warnings and labels to absolutely inform the user of these warnings.