What are the moneypot policies in the following cases:
(a) Users advertising their apps with a clearly wrong house edge or other false information/fairly obvious lies, aswell as any different kind of fake advertising?
(b) Users advertising their apps with giveaways/promotions/rakebacks/etc. and not paying what they promised?
(c) Users clearly copying other apps, in a way that goes beyond reasonable similarities?
Bit-exo is the biggest app copier on the website, they copy all apps because the owner can't code a simple HTML index page, and I think I could teach my 3 year old niece who is autistic to code better than him, all he can do is rip pages. It's pathetic.
If you look at their site, you will see it is blatantly ripped from multiple sources, do you think moneypot gives a fuck? nope... they are making good money from the app, he is one of the top earners, so they won't do anything about it.
take it easy, its okay for people to run sites and not can code, we are in vegas developers and we build every single game from ground thats our passion, personly i'm autistic so yes ofc you can teach you 3 year son, i'm starting when i'm like 5 yeah back in 1990 to running in MS DOS and build Q-Basic app's so yeah, but don't lat it sound as becures your son have autistic he i stupied.... i will be pretty clever
on part the his life he will have more wisdom then you will got, and area he love he will get expert into it, so don't late it know becures you have desect you are stupied
There a nothing worng to use opensoruces and free scripts, but the issue will coming if the server going down, hacker make a cross-script attact and orther stuff, but in the overview i don't think greate leaders can code to even self running a business website, make thoes people for stupied?