The rule it is clear, if an opponent has 50%(I think) of the car next to you, you need to leave him the space in the track, not in the grass or sand.
In this race, we have less asphalt in the turn so they were more severe with this rule.
If you are doing not you are at the fault.
And 50% of the car means? Cos Leclerc didn’t even have his nose past Perez’s car which I think that gives Perez dibs on the line and for Leclerc to slow down and give up.
Even the commentators said it was a harsh penalty.
It is not just about the "rules" when you are racing. I mean you follow the rules nevertheless and if you get a penalty even when you are following the rules that is a damn shame that s true. However there is something much bigger than that when you are racing in a formula car, every milisecond your life is in balance, you could die at any wrong move, and more likely you could get seriously injured because cars are better protected nowadays injury is more likely then death.
However if you are pushing someone out of the tracks into gravle then you are putting someone elses life in danger, how could Perez ever know nothing would happen to Lerclerc that day? I mean it could have been a very terrible move that ended with someone getting seriously injured.
Aside from that there is nothing wrong in the racing sense but if you can get out of the way and you are still pushing someone outside of the track limits then you are not doing something ethical. While we are talking about if Perez was right or wrong, he literally himself went to Lerclerc and apologized for the way he drove and he publicly said he is upset over it and he is not the type of person that races that way. So even he feels it was wrong to do that.