Sad if murraycoin misses yet another tourney... That's like the ONE big thing mry needs...... Wow. 2015 should have been lined up by the Dev back in 2014. Seems like even the Murray bros foundation doesn't care? (I think holzer said he got a lukewarm reply from them anyways)
That's not happening. After reading everything about Murraycoin from the beginning, it seems like the people in the Murray camp aren't too interested in Murraycoin. It's a shame because this coin has a lot of potential.
bholzer hasn't been on this forum in about a month and hasn't tweeted anything on twitter since September 11 2014 (that's 6 MONTHS PEOPLE) - even longer on Reddit. The murraycoin website is outdated with non-working pools, non-working block explorer, dead Subreddit, and a developer which considers this coin a hobby. He can do whatever he wants, but maybe launching multiple coins and not focusing on one coin was a bad decision, it wasn't my / our decision, but that decision has left both coins tanked.
It might be time for the community to consider taking over this coin to advance development of Murraycoin. The current developer doesn't seem to be too interested or is waiting for something to happen versus doing something to make things happen. Shit goes viral everyday. Sitting around and waiting for Bitcoin to reach $1000 is not the way to advance a celebrity coin. Doing things which would make the coin go viral would increase the value of the coin more than waiting for Bitcoin to be extremely valuable again.
Consider this everyone: right now the marketcap of MRY is $5,429 - if you owned every coin you would have $5,429 - SIGH. Crap coins like Spaincoin, Kittehcoin, Torcoin, Coolcoin, Tittiecoin, and Rabbitcoin are all above Murraycoin.
I guess no one wants to make any money? Because you have a celebrity coin which the celebrity pretty much has given everyone a blank slate to do what they want with the coin. Everyone here, including the developer, can't seem to use the famous Murray name to make the coin worth more than $5K. That's just amazing and sad at the same time.
I don't own a ton of Murray anymore. I sold them all. I'm not keeping a coin which the developer has given up on.
Remember everyone - $5K marketcap. Bill Murray's coin has a $5K marketcap. It would take every Murraycoin just to have him show up and wave for 10 seconds on camera.