Oh they failed? Funny me I thought Cube was a rather successful try especially considering how the USA fucked them up without any kind of reason (not that they need any reason they're the USA). Cause capitalism is a success? Wanna tell that to 80% of the world?
It's cool how the fact that free market had been tried in nearly the whole world and is currently not working and destroying everything but it's ok, and how egalitarian policies as you say have been tries only 3 times with one really successful.
Yes, they failed for sure. I've witnessed the last years of that experiment, so I know
. Cuba stayed alive for so long because of the support they've got from other socialist states. I can remember when my country often bought tens of thousands tons of sugar for astronomic prices for helping the cuban comrades, however we actually exported sugar too.
]NO. Cuba was abject failure. Except for running an entire country on cars that became classic cars, maybe.
Well I've witness Cuba by my own eyes and sorry but I wouldn't have called that a failure.
Yeah cars are a bit old but it's not because of the economy simply because
USA makes it impossible for any country to make exportation to it. And they had free education for everyone, free healthcare, both of excellent quality.
I don't call an educated population, having access to health care (one of the bests in the world, so good they launched international operations to help other countries) and to every basic needs a failure. Especially considering the embargo of USA.
How many dollars worth of assets were stolen by Castro when he took over? See bolded above. "Fucked them without any reason?"
How many people killed?
Here is what Wikipedia says.
In February 1959, the Ministry for the Recovery of Misappropriated Assets (Ministerio de Recuperación de Bienes Malversados) was created. Cuba began expropriating land and private property under the auspices of the Agrarian Reform Law of 17 May 1959. Farms of any size could be and were seized by the government, while land, businesses, and companies owned by upper- and middle-class Cubans were nationalized (notably, including the plantations owned by Fidel Castro's family). By the end of 1960, the revolutionary government had nationalized more than $25 billion worth of private property owned by Cubans.[10] The Castro government formally nationalized all foreign-owned property, particularly American holdings, in the nation on 6 August 1960.[11]
In 1961, the Cuban government nationalized all property held by religious organizations, including the dominant Roman Catholic Church. Hundreds of members of the church, including a bishop, were permanently expelled from the nation, as the new Cuban government declared itself officially atheist. Education also saw significant changes – private schools were banned and the progressively socialist state assumed greater responsibility for children.[57]Here is what Wikipedia says about the US reaction against Cuba.
the American government was initially willing to recognize Castro's new government..... After the revolutionary government nationalized all U.S. property in Cuba in August 1960, the American Eisenhower administration froze all Cuban assets on American soil, severed diplomatic ties Sorry, I am not seeing evidence that the US "Fucked them without any reason." I am seeing lots of reasons for retaliating against the "Fucked them without any reason" that Castro did. NOTE that Castro could have navigated his way through his revolution and remained friends with the US. By treating people reasonably fairly.
Please don't confuse Cause, and Effect.