It's cool how the fact that free market had been tried in nearly the whole world and is currently not working and destroying everything but it's ok, and how egalitarian policies as you say have been tries only 3 times with one really successful.
Yes, they failed for sure. I've witnessed the last years of that experiment, so I know . Cuba stayed alive for so long because of the support they've got from other socialist states. I can remember when my country often bought tens of thousands tons of sugar for astronomic prices for helping the cuban comrades, however we actually exported sugar too.
Yes, capitalism is a success, or at least more successful than socialism ever been. Of course it's far from perfect, but because of the lack of working alternatives it's still the best what we have in hand.
Actually what isn't working and destroying everything is rather centralized global market, where a very few entities holding almost all economic power. That's the problem, and that's why we need to return to a more localized, scaled down form of capitalism, where market is really free.
Which one is successful? China? China became successful only after they switched to a capitalist economy where the communist party held the legislative, judiciary and executive power, but let the economy controlled by the market.