Fact: This coin is not official, not sovereign, not national, no nothing. It's a wannabe sovereign currency to which the Lakota will never consent to.
Fact: Payu is not even a Lakota tribe member, though he lead many media outlets to falsely believe that was the case.
Fact: The top dev that goes by the professional trust inspiring nickname "Pirate" said Payu will become next president of the Lakota!!! Guy is a total sociopath scammer, pulling all the strings to make people buy his scam. He also admitted tribal elders viewed his operation as a "White man's scam". Good luck with adopting it as official currency with that stance!
Fact: Top dev "pirate" owns a crypto mining operation and he used that to instant mine Mazacoin since day one. The 5% pre-mine is a distraction for idiots. All those saying that's not a scam because the pre-mine wasn't touched are missing the obvious.
Fact: 5% is WAY too low to really promote anything for the Lakotas. Auracoin is giving 50% to their people. Mazacoin is giving a shitty 5%, actually less than that if you look deeper.
Fact: You've paid top dollar for a high quality top model hooker and you've got a smelly toothless crackwhore instead.
Fact: Payu knowingly deceived investors and so did the top dev. That alone is a scam that would have landed him in jail if this were to have taken place on a legit securities market.
How do you explain this, then?
Here's a screenshot so people wouldn't have to download it.
Why is handwritten signature missing?