Yes, that was me in the chat. I'm not sure what to think about all those bold claims. In the moment you just have to say "wow!" but ever since this latest controversy about the Lakota people being out of the blue about all of this, @Mazacoin "suddenly" disappeared and stopped tweeting and replying to people confronting him about the article.
Yeah, both @mazacoin and @CryptoDirect (the pirate) stopped all tweets few hours ago when the news about them not being supported by the tribe officials was released. Not a good sign.
From the Forbes article: "Payu Harris, an unmarried 38-year-old father of one, is a web developer, digital currency trader and activist who can trace his ancestry back to the Northern Cheyenne..."
I'm starting to think that AnonymousPirate found Payu or knew him already and thought he'd be a great face for MazaCoin. All this news about the Lakota tribe being completely in the dark sends up a HUGE red flag for me personally. Glad I got out when I did, only wish it could have been while we were up at 17,000
I could've made 1 bitcoin off of this pump and dump but I made .32 instead. Not bad considering I put .2 into maza to begin with.
Completely done with this coin. I still have high hopes for crypto but at this point I'm
extremely wary about throwing money at any new altcoins. I don't have the brains nor the balls to play the daytrading game, and since pretty much every new altcoin is either DOA or going nowhere or another pump and dump, I'm just going to step back and examine which coins have the potential for actual use in sending money as crypto was originally intended.
I know most all of you are here to make a quick buck, but the truth is you could probably make more money just getting a day job and putting some cash into your savings each week. Sure you lose out on the potential to increase your investment ten fold, but you also eliminate all the risk of losing your money, too. I'll keep an eye on interesting things in the crypto world, and keep a little bit of cash in bitcoin (and maybe peercoin), but for the most part I am calling it quits on the altcoin game. Too many losers, too few winners, and way too much deluded thinking. I got screwed on USDe, TopCoin, Rabbitcoin, and now MazaCoin, so I know when to fold.
Best of luck to all of you in actually trying to make some money. The only real winners here are the pump and dump altcoin devs, and the whales, who continue to suck up our money and manipulate us to their advantage. You're most likely never going to get rich from crypto. It's been fun. I'm out.