5568 seats accepting donations
Cool. Thanks, that should be fun.
... that math even checks out
(kinda-sorta... I think it looks right? eh, whatever I'll just post my "conversation" with the #bitcoin-otc gribble bot)
[18:55:14] genrate 7488
[18:55:15] The expected generation output, at 7488.0 Mhps, given difficulty of 3370181.79928, is 1.11739415889 BTC per day and 0.0465580899537 BTC per hour.
[18:56:11] calc 5568 * 0.00077423
[18:56:11] 4.31091264
[18:56:38] calc 1.11739415889 * 7
[18:56:38] 7.82175911223
[18:56:52] calc 4.31091264 / 7.82175911223
[18:56:52] 0.551143621038
Can someone remind me again what the percentages were supposed to be for electricity overhead not to hurt ognasty's continued mining?
Was months ago on this thread, and I'm rather lazy, so can't be arsed to dig back 10-25 pages looking for it.