Edit: Communication! http://blog.glbse.com/shutdown-update
yeah right.
Honestly, he's acting like a cunt. I can't believe there are still people buying into his load of bollocks.
But I read that once he was an esteemed member of the community.
The best conjecture I can make is that he sincerely believes his own bullshit and he is detaching more and more from reality as time goes.
Reminds me of a once-close-friend-of-mine who got himself into trouble with debt - by means of a lifestyle he could not really afford. He asked me for a loan, and I gave it to him. Then he would delay the repayments, coming up with different excuses every time. The last straw was when he said the bank wouldn't wire the money back to my account.
I got the money back with a few months delay but I lost that friend after that. Well, I had already lost him anyway.
My point is that over time, you can get your conscience to sleep and can find reasons to morally justify anything, especially if you're weak.
He will convince himself that stealing money was legit, because he's not really stealing, just taking the money he is owed.
Generally drugs and isolation can ease the process.
I think you can't afford to be patient with a person going down the bollocks route. He'll bring you down with him. You better find a way to get back what is owed to you and then stay away from him.
In psychology that is called rationalization or self-justification. A defense system of the human mind. I agree, that weak personalities are more susceptible. It is common that even in extreme cases like murder, the murderer will justify his deed to himself in some (mostly irrational) way.
This is one of the things that makes Bitcoin interesting on so many levels: politically, economically, technically and psychologically. You see everything happening in the real world happens in the Bitcoin community on a smaller scale and much faster rate.