You may be right, but i would guess that the key creation process will stay nearly the the same in alpha,beta and final version. I plan a package that will enable everybody to create this vouchers and as i am not a pro dev it will take some of my time. The key creation process will hopefully not change that much so it can be prepared now which will give me some more time for the graphics later on and i will be able to test my first results on the beta.
Actually we're considering one change, but I'll ansewer you on PM anyway
@ gimre thanks a lot, i don't want to hurry, pls. take your time
@ kodtycoon everything fine, tnx !
1. curve is secp256k1
2. public key is "compressed" (there's byte 02 or 03 byte used instead of encoding full Y, Y can be retrieved from X and that 02/03 byte)
encoding public key (PK):
1. d1 = sha3(PK)
2. d2 = ripe160(d1)
3. d3 = concat(version, d2), version byte for alpha is 0x98
4. chk = 4 first bytes of sha3(d3)
5. d4 = concat(d3, chk)
6. Base32encode(d4)
Perfect, that will help, thanks! Will the base32 use special alphabet? private key will be 32byte int? and is there already a wallet import format defined for the private key, will it be base32 or base58 encoded?
A Wallet allows for adding an existing NEM account. The account has to be identified by the private key, which has to be provided as the hex representation.
The walet API is provided by NCC and is REST-based.
Hi gimre,
Hi Thies1965,
Hi everybody,
thanks a lot for your help regarding the NEM address creation for my NEM voucher project! I have implemented the code in javascript and it seems that i am able to create valid addresses. If you have a second of your time (i know you are VERY busy atm), may you please quickly confirm whether the private key matches to the NEM address below and that the address is valid (alpha version 0x98)?
Private Key Hex:1CDAB90F0DD5C0B4DE95228D10E2B3B5FDC22B536C7C7D0051746FA8343581E5
Pub Key compressed Hex:0345FC70AEA6B5B32D31822F5AB22070145D528C8450F609880DAA96085F1C0F65
Pub Key compressed Bytes:3,69,252,112,174,166,181,179,45,49,130,47,90,178,32,112,20,93,82,140,132,80,246,9,136,13,170,150,8,95,28,15,101
Public Key SHA3:DF51456AB698EC0B5D140D1788EA85B101EFCDCD1238C235E032A1587CD8171F
Public Key Hash160(SHA3):DD7FB26EFC1947660CBFC2AF2C8B480CBEB4651E
Version Hex:98
Checksum -->first 4Bytes of SHA3(HashandVersion):A41BC5CA
NEM Address unencoded Hex:98DD7FB26EFC1947660CBFC2AF2C8B480CBEB4651EA41BC5CA
NEM Address unencoded Bytes:152,221,127,178,110,252,25,71,102,12,191,194,175,44,139,72,12,190,180,101,30,164,27,197,202