Current Versions are at: (black theme)
and (blue theme)
Google Docs: ( proposal)
Please give me your input, I have appreciated all the suggestions so far! Do you like the black or blue theme? I prefer the blue theme as I think it is more welcoming, but the black theme would go well with
Don't mind black or blue - what I would say is the contrast of the black really helps other features stand out and gives the page a stronger more striking feel to it...
In comparison the blue feels more average colour, a bit like Hewlett Packard corporate blue and microsoft use a blue like that quite a lot.
Nothing wrong with that... they want to be welcoming too. A DARKER Blue perhaps would give welcome and contrast?
I think there is too much text in the website.
I personally like clean websites. Like this one I made for NXT once;
Also the buttons on top of the website are not noticable (Home, about, community etc.). I noticed them after 3 visites to the website.
So my advice is to keep it very simple and readable for everyone.
I agree, the cleaner the better...I like your test NXT site.
Not to diminish the work done by crackerhead on the other site but I would like to see a site with sleeker/smoother lines. Much easier on the eyes.
Wish I could help!?
You can help !
You can ask utopian to add you if there are areas that you could contribute to!