You are forgetting why UP started NEM in the first place. The concept of fairness, which is stupid but hey people believed that false truth about distribution that 1000 people is fairer than 30.
Let me remind you the first couple of months was UP obsessively routing out sockpuppet accounts.
I don't see how NEM can recover any credibility at this stage. Sure it can do ok, but become great...forget about it.
The positive side is that people didn't buy in big before a big crash. There would of been tears.
By the way I have over 10 NEM stakes, im not ashamed to say cause I think the fairness thing is a joke, always has been.
So your account is not even a month old, but you have 10 other accounts you have sock puppets under? Thats a common tactic amongst the FUDDers, claim to have numerous NEM stakes.