1. Why will Neo not confirm if it has any actual products or customers (the website suggests otherwise)?
2. Why will it not confirm and validate it's finances?
3. Why given the extreme criticism in the other thread and suggestions that it's CEO has fled the country, is no-one stepping in from the firm to deny or disprove it.
The first two questions have been unanswered for some time, but the last issue which is new and seems initially outrageous must be addressed.
3. Danny had to deny a range of stupid troll accusations in this thread the other week, https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.5710145 ..... What would we rather Neo & Bee do, deny every troll accusation....or concentrate on the business?
yes, don't feed the trolls basically... the other thread has become a feeding ground...
I don't think discussion or updates from NEO on the bitcointalk forum to placate shareholders is going to help their business much.. "actions speak louder than words" comes to mind.
Speaking up here might have some kind of effect on the share price and this rather pathetic campaign to spread misinformation and dump the price down, but does that actually benefit them at this time? Will that help the longer term goals of the business? Better to let the business speak for itself, and the weird internet creatures will just look all the more ridiculous.
In the meantime, leave them alone, laugh (they are an interesting phenomena in my opinion), and try and profit from a lower share price if you believe that that is connected. If the business is successful... that is that and the volume of appreciation will reflect that, if it is not... then worrying about the trolling is also a waste of time, in fact they will just help you come to terms with reality quicker.
The fact that it has become so aggressive does potentially demonstrate the potential value that they hold these shares in. Especially with it coming after the new prospectus etc..