of 9:49pm CST midwest usa....they still have T9's and the A3's at $980 left (march orders)
I'm passing
did they ever do the $800 buck obelisk coupon thing or was that just not true?
curious...I swap'd my 5 800 buck obelisk coupons to a 'long shot bet' by a buddy on them ..he will get 5 ...1 will go to me for free for the coupons and I think I also get
another $250 buck coupon for future purchases....(does that mean I've already ROI'd) these are Decred machines by obelisk likely July 2018 soonest if not the by..
so he will pay 1k each for his 4 of my 5 coupons...he is big enough it won't matter much ...and he is betting on the fact bitmain will play games and decred may not come to pass
(possible) he is big enough however ..that 4 units for him would be equiv of 1 A3 bitmain bet for me now...but I told him not playing this game (learned from D3's)...just not gonna
do it ...I will however toss my unused (and likely never IMHO to be used) 800 buck coupons his way....on that same batch I still have 1 $400 buck coupon and 4 $250 coupons
prev to this $800 coupon wtf....(yeah, this could not go badly..sia-tech is now on what 3rd batch of vaporware)....anyway doorstop/vaporware etc it is a free
decred ASIC doorstop at worst risk for me. (unless likely on thurs bitmain announces they will take 800 buck coupons....wait for it)
what do folk think? are we missing the boat on getting this A3 at this $980 price...or is it as I fear.....the antminer D3 not to ROI ( I have ROI'd on my D3's only
if I count my 300mh Baikal from may 2017 that has made 4k worth of dash.thus lost roi on the D3..but if I say to everyone I broke even on X11 miners....less angst)
so with above ..I can KINDA say I roi'd on x11 (with the Baikal cube cheat above) just don't want to go thru all that again with dubious A3 (already have 5 dubious
obelisk siacon miners coming, June 2018 at the earlest..yech!!)
I suppose now you all will tell me the 800 buck coupons will be or could be used with the current A3's that would pretty much round out my week as it has gone so far it stands on dubious far....TRYING to resist.....
so what do you think is next for Bitmain and its evil empire?
An ASIC miner for Etherium perhaps?
Bitmain: We do evil first, if evil needs prompt! (tm bitmain)
Are you saying your buddy paid you $1000 each for coupons that don't official exist?!
he is a big miner and can afford to take this equip risk, I gave him $800 coupons (5 of them) equivalent to a $4,000 savings on these units total.
I get 1 decred miner free, He gets the other 4 miners at 1,000 each rather than $800 each and he gets 4 and I get 1 coupon and $800 bucks equivelent for that 1 miner.
Again, it is a gamble, he is big enough, that if it all goes will not effect him much, my risk is that sia-tech forks siacon (SC) because of bitmain and I will have lost
the option of using these in the future for equipment....his risk is that bitmain will make a decred miner and/or as you say....the stuff never shows up
as of now, imho, as a gamble, he is in pretty good shape (again, high risk gamble indeed..but looks better than a few days ago on his purchase plan)
He got these when BTC was over 10k, so that was good, they have raised prices significantly on the 3rd batch, he got to use my coupons
The other thing I would point out on HOW at a certain size, you are sometimes willing to take such gambles (mine was april 2017 at $6 LTC and getting 20k of bitmain
stuff, and annoucing on April fools day 4/1/17 that $6 was the LTC floor..sometimes you just get lucky on such gambles..I needed like him the equip deduction and
looked at a 12-14 month ROI and threw the dice)
You get to a certain size...and look at 50% to the IRS/w/state taxes more or less comes out to....and you look at the further in 1 year compressed equipment deductions at
25% in real $$$ you can apply to taxes you KNOW you are gonna pay, anyway this year, and after your 'dubious' equipment purchases, are faced with a 25% risk above what you'd pay the
IRS anyway, when it all pans out. (assuming the equipment is not vaporware)
(BTC and crypto crash or not) and your 'speculative risk-taking' goes up proportionally.
I am not 'big' enough for a risk such as this, I am willing, however, to dump $4k of coupons for 1 decred miner, however.
there are different hedges if you are in the above tax and equip depreciation situation above...why large miners seem crazy!
1) you can get a crapload of equip NOW of many ASIC flavors, as they are available and BET on a price pump, back up to the 10-12k range this year and have equipment
in hand, you likely would never be able to get, if/when the price does go back (as you hope) to that level.
2) you can hedge that price is gonna go down and sideways, and you being big enough will be the last man standing and mine and hold, while smaller farms have to die
or at least NOT expand.....and play the long term difficulty game to your advantage, as it goes sideways, (maybe)
3) you can hedge on equipment now, because you think BTC is gonna dump (do it at above 10K BTC vs now) and use crypto you mined this year (or month) at a 'capital loss' or at
least EVEN...thus use newly minted coin..mined this year and no 40% capital gains dumping such for less than a year and a day....being revenue 'Neutral' by Feb 1st 2018 is attractive.
4) You can also run with this bet that prices of crypto will rebound when tether/fud/etc is resolved one way or another, and play getting a lot of USED equipment CHEAP, on the
same bet of crypto price recovering. I did not buy any new equipment between Nov 2014 till Bitmain units April 1st was all used or knc liquidation or eBay...have 10x
the equipment on my farm, all on the above units before the mentioned April 1st 2017 Bitmain bet of units to boot.....
Another hedge example, using paranoia, of me doing something like he is doing, with many flavors or ASIC'S, I did last month
I myself with equipment purchases and being paranoid in Dec 2017, paid ALL MY MINERS data hall Elec/misl monthly bills until June 1st 2018...which when it was like $193 LTC or so a
hedge, which means, with that hedge, I can run the KNC Titans a heck of a lot longer come what may...I could be mining AIR, but they will last at least that long!
stuff like that...but yeah, I tried to talk him out of it....I don't need 1 decred miner that bad...but I damn sure hope he is correct and this Tether thing gets resolved
and by resolved I mean ...pull the band-aid off and get the facts SOON, if tether was what pumped crypto prices up..fine..get it resolved on what happened...move on!
.but his bet is once that tether clears up, it will be back to the races again for crypto prices and he will have enough equipment to keep the tax man away
and play and mine another year.
Again, high risk, but I damn sure hope he is correct!
Thus again, you get a certain size and a lot of stuff comes into play, in the form of 'what the hell: buy'
fun time this crypto hobby..always drama