ROI for first batch of internationals will be $30/day maybe $50 for a short time. My D3 is doing almost as good as the L3+. The A3 wont even come close to the lifespan the D3 will have.
Only one coin that is very profitable to mine at this moment with the A3. Well, in fact there is another Blake2b coin, but I have not made calculations.
Yes, you can look at it (carefully), because first miners will have that kind of profit. That was the case with the D3.
yeah batch one of D3 was reduiclously profitable , to the tune of 500 a day for a few weeks
Bro thats total BS. I had 4 D3 batch 1 the return was never 500 a day . As soon as miners hit the network they where at about 100 for a couple of days then i watched returns Drop like a rock. 500 a day is fairy tale maybe only Bitmain enjoyed by pre mining D3 before shipping to customers.
Asian buyers got thier batches almost two weeks before other buyers , a few posted on their earnings and they were making 500 a day for a week or two
Those were bitmains "friends". I dont believe there was anyone here making $500 on a d3. I was a batch one buyer of those too and it wasnt even close. Same boat for the a3s. Yeah the friends will make boatloads and we all get to fight for the crumbs left. Im not blaming bitmain its their game and you choose to either play it or not. But as soon as they hit the general public lights out. And with dragon miner announcing theirs that will come out....bitmain will make sure that miner is not profitable by the time it comes out. They would sacrifice their continuing sales of these for an opportunity to make the competitors think twice about getting into the ring with them again