quoted one option.
Is split a must? Can static owner owns "not-splitted" node eg. "bigger" one than splitted ones? eg. more powerfull tho?
I will have to get an answer for that from Borz. Thank you!
OK, so after discussion, here is what we can say for now:
1. We will never force anyone to do anything. We don't make XFUEL mandatory to put in STATICS and we don't make it MANDATORY to buy. It will sell itself.
2. We will never force anyone to spend more money to get extra servers. But, the trust index of a server that has 1 STATIC is higher and therefore earns more rewards. But there are many factors that influence the trust index, such as: better hardware, high quality internet connection, old stable IP, lots of uptime and many other things.
More details about how all this will work is going to be revealed over time and of course we will have all details available when registration opens again. The system that Borz is setting up is self balancing in every possible way for the best interest of the XTRABYTES community and the XBY network itself.
Thank you again for your great questions.