There are currently many countries that are against the US system, but very Few have taken the liberty to move forward, a clear example is China , perhaps Russia , but any Weaker Country is difficult because it does not let them prosper, and the external debt that I have with the USA is very high, and it is almost impossible to pay it , that is the only thing that we can Generate by seeing that the policies that they make in regulations give them as a consequence, perhaps that is Why the others Countries or sdare to go against this , that's why I casino them and everything that has to do with those KYC Policies they follow them to the letter , I think they prefer to lose customers than lose the entire business, that's how I see it .
I now think that some smart American sociologists close to the authorities realized several decades ago that they themselves had to raise future leaders of such countries, prepared in advance and, of course, not only loyal to America, but also fully professing the values of the American way of life. And perhaps many of the politicians at the head of European countries who are now governing are just such America-bred politicians. This is simply very competent political management and marketing at the same time.
Accordingly, it is simply ridiculous to talk about a purely nationally oriented policy for a country with the head of the country installed by the American deep state, in fact the sockpuppet of the American rulers. This is impossible.
I say that at the political level things with the USA will always be under a very high hegemony, and that goes a long way, with all the porocesmideimtno that are made, with all the laws that are implemented, so it is very easy to get involved in the casino industry, making us see that those who make transactions with Bitcoin have to be restricted, they have to see who makes it to apply the acid, either with taxes and with different ways of seeing the things that can harm them because of it , we will always be at their command and disposal, sometimes it is hard to Understand but what more can be done, as long as there is not a type of total Irreverence , I believe that things will always be seen that way, there is no other way, for Now let's face it, because we would simply look like a small ant next to a big skyscraper, that's the easiest way for me to understand it.
Maybe only Bukele cares about his people.
Sorry for the offtopic, but these questions, of course, also relate to the KYC procedure. It is the financial hegemony that necessarily establishes the technical requirements of this requirement. But often this not only violates anonymity, but even becomes dangerous for the person who transfers his personal data to a third party. And something needs to be done about this. This should not be the case on a global scale.