Released NPlusMiner 2.1.2 Fee change
- See Annoucement here: - And here: - Minimum is now 3 minutes per day (0.2%)
- Default is now 8 minutes per day (0.5%)
- Lottery is now 0 or any value between 3 and 8 when less than 3 minutes is set
- Performance improvements
- About 80% performance improvement
- Important update for rigs with low CPU or Mem
- Reorganized BrainPlus code so it uses much less CPU and memory
- Improved pools stats computing (faster and less CPU)
- Pause mining
- Added the ability to pause miners while keeping other jobs running (pause button)
- This will stop mining activity
- BrainPlus will still run in the background avoiding the learning phase on resume
- EarningTracker will still run in the background avoiding the learning phase on resume
- Earning Tracker
- Added %Threshold in table
- Balance progress against threshold
- Added MPH support
- Only for bitcoin wallet
- MPH do not provide API to retrieve the payout threshold set by user
- At this time, the payout threshold is hard set to 0.01
- If the payout threshold you set is different from 0.01 estimated pay date will show wrong estimation
- Miners updates
- Moved most algo to ccminerTpruvotCuda9 - Removes the 8 GPUs limit.
- Updated XMRig to 2.5.0
- Optional miners (Advanced)
- Some miners are not enabled by default in NPlusMiner for a variety of reasons
- A new folder can be found called "OptionalMiners" containing .ps1 files for some miners
- For advanced users, refer to OptionalMiners\Readme.txt on how to use
- Pools updates
- Updated pool urls for zergpool. [algo]
- Algo updates
- Added sha256t (zpool)
- Fixed cases where benchmark might run multiple times for some algo
- Fixed Claymore not using selected GPUs
- Fixed worker name for MPH
- Removes "ID=" from worker name when mining MPH
- Fixed worker name for NiceHash
- Removes "ID=" from worker name when mining NiceHash
- Fixed select payout currency on zpool and zergpool
- Payout currency was not properly taken into account previously
- Fixed selected display currency in console view
- Fixed error shown in console 'cryptonight' when using MPH and NH