Off-chain transaction or Darkwallet should make it harder for them, ew already know that transaction are tracable with some efforts and they can build system and basically all someone need to know where are you and who are you is your IP address
Darkwallet doesn't properly work, its very early version what's out there. Only if they keep releasing it we'll have any sort of anonimity. BTC right is just not anonymous at all. Maybe CoinJoin helps too but I have no idea how that works yet.
BTC is semi anonymous. You would need to use obfuscation services to clear your tracks.
For now we'll have to rely on trading BTC to an anonymous coin or service and then to Fiat or BTC with your tracks cleared. Its a bit of a pain right now, but maybe there will be more streamlined method when the demand raise further.
Bitcoin is pseudonymous. Trading it back and forth via various exchanges probably wouldn't help as they require verification once you hit a certain limit or when you register. Bitcoin is never designed to be anonymous at all. It can be pseudonymous from the general public if you don't reuse address and don't reveal the addresses to anyone else. Mixers service would ensure that the transactions wouldn't link together hence it would be quite anonymous.
Indeed, i don't mean depositing to an exchange or any services that log information such as IP, etc. I strictly mean manually obfuscating or obfuscation services such as mixers or instant coin exchange that doesnt log ip.
Manually i'm talking about clever way of spending your BTC but getting it back, like buying hash and running it through an untraceable route
Exchanges mostly don't delete logs. For mixers, they say that they don't keep logs but there isn't a way to prove that. In fact, some services has turned out to be a scam or is not anonymous enough. There was a post which described Shared coin as not being secure enough and can leak information. For the buying hash part, that would be completely wrong. Most sellers would sell at a higher price than expected gained profit to gain a profit. No guarantees that they won't spy on you.
So how is the NSA going to detect how much bitcoins Joe has, or what he is receiving or spending? How are they going to monitor "his" Bitcoin traffic, considering that the P2P traffic he sends and receives is effectively the whole current Bitcoin P2P state, with anyone and everyone's data mixed together.
I read somewhere that when a transaction is broadcasted to the network then the first node to process that transaction is very likely the sender himself.
Also read that peers can see your IP when the transaction is sent to the network but only from peers that you are connected to.If peers have ability to attach an IP to a transaction wouldn't for example NSA peers be able to log IP of every transactions that go through them, can peers chose which transaction they want to broadcast or is this random?
When i use my client it usually says i am connected to a certain numbers of peers, what does these peers know about me?
Sorry if my questions seems confusing, i am not very tech sawy but if you could explain how it all works i'd appreciate.
Then you have read from the wrong source. The IP displayed on site like is merely the first node which relayed it. It is very inaccurate as people can connect to different nodes at different locations.