You will be able to pick 5 numbers and buy and unlimited amount tickets. I am still working on how many numbers there will be and what the odds will be. Each ticket to the lotto will cost 1,000 Nutcoins with payments as follows:
65%-Jackpot shared among everyone that matches all 5 numbers
10%-Shared among everyone that matches 4 numbers will reset to 0 if someone wins and will start fresh the next draw
5%-Shared among everyone that matches 3 numbers will reset to 0 if someone wins and will start fresh the next draw
5%-To start the next jackpot(so it won't start at 0)
5%-Used for donations to our various Nutcoin causes
10%-Site maintenance, initial setup fees and hosting(this number will go down the more the lotto makes)
The payouts are progressive and will go into the next drawing if nobody wins.
I will donate a generous amount to the initial jackpots personally with them starting at:
Jackpot- 5,000,000 Nutcoins
4 Balls- 500,000 Nutcoins
3 Balls- 250,000 Nutcoins
The daily raffle will also cost 1,000 Nutcoins, but it will be automated and payout all to a random winner. I will process all deposits and payouts manually till I can come up with a good program for it. After you deposit I will add the Nutcoins to your Lotto account and you can buy tickets whenever you want and then when you want to cash out there will be a form and I will process it. I am hoping to be done in the next few days. If anyone has any ideas please let me know?
I wish I had your talent and skill in coding if you're able to put this together, you'll have my admiration and support. Thanks for helping!