Remember to update:
NRS v1.1.5:
NxtWallet v1.1.5:
Other Clients are available here, just check they are on v1.1.5:
A cautionary tale:
A user came onto the forums recently wondering where his forging balance had gone to. He had been forging since January with 2500 NXT and had managed to forge another 2500 NXT. If you have been around long enough, this should set alarm bells ringing in your head too...
It turns out he had not upgraded since around v0.4.x and was forging on a fork (not on the same chain as everyone else). When he upgraded, he caught up with the 'real' blockchain and of course his forged revenue evaporated as they never occured on the 'real' blockchain.
So if you aren't on the latest Client and are forging regularly with a small amount of Nxt, you haven't found a bug that let's you take more than your fair share You are most likely on a fork and are wasting your time. So upgrade!
Believe it or not, there is still a peer running 0.4.7e (a fork), 0.5.0, 0.5.5, 0.5.10. Only single peers but still not upgraded. 78% are running 1.1.4 or 1.1.5.
And the devs are cooking something up as there is a single 1.1.6 too...
TL:DR Upgrade to avoid the disappointment of being on a fork.
I've got wallet 1.2 and
NRS version 1.1.4
which I downloaded June 5th ..
I've tried to upgrade to your new version and for whatever reason I can't ..
I don't forge
I don't trade
I don't use any of the coin's features
I just want to hold my Nxt for the time being
So, any risks/downside to staying with the version that I have ( because it works ) ??
I have two wallets and coins in both and I can 'move' them around
That's all the 'functionality' that I care about at the moment
Triff ..