ok, another newbie question: how do you access the NRS browser interface? Thanks
are you using one click instal or did you download the actual nrs client?
if its nrs run the nrs command line client like thing.. think its called "run" or "nrs" not sure.. wait for it to say successfully connected to nrs and then run the file with the .html file (chrome/firefox/ie logo) should work.
thats the only "webclient" thats working.. one click install one is a locally run program. not browser.
This is where I get confused again: here's what I did originally- I downloaded this file
https://bitbucket.org/JeanLucPicard/nxt/downloads/nxt-client-1.1.4.zip unzipped the file; double clicked the run.bat file; waited for it to do its thing then went to this site
http://localhost:7876/ and then accessed my NXT client (or wallet or whatever is the correct terminology)
since then I've downloaded the official NXT client version 1.2 from here
http://www.nxt.org/client-download/ and having done that all I now need to do when I want to access my NXT client etc I simply click on the program called Nxt wallet which either by virtue of having downloaded the zip file or the official NXT client version 1.2 (I don't know which) is now listed in my list of programs.
I don't know if what I've downloaded and am using is what you have referred to as a 'one click install'; 'a locally run program' . However if i don't first click on the program on my PC called Nxt wallet and instead simply try to access my client by going to
http://localhost:7876/ i always get the 'Unable to connect' message.
Obviously I'm missing something here (apart from sufficient brain cells) but I don't know what!
Any further help for the hard of understanding would be very welcome - thanks