Seriously, how do you think the one party who is allowed to be the BTC/NXT gateway will price his/her services? With no competition the NXT exchange, as a whole, could very likely suffer from monopolies on assets like BTC, USD and gold.
One party will pay 1000 NXT to issue an Asset within the NXT Asset Exchange, which will be a BTC/NXT gateway.
Another party can also pay 1000 NXT to issue a DIFFERENT Asset within the NXT Asset Exchange, which can also be a BTC/NXT gateway.
Either you and the others raising these concerns have a misconception of what an Asset is
OR I need to do a lot of homework!
Asset Tags....once someone buys BTC/NXT gateway he owns it....the next choice is BTC/NXT gateway 1 or x, etc.
so it's location, location, location...positioned in the mind.....the original BTC/NXT gateway would have that advantage over the copy cats
Edit: even if there services were better....@ CfB when does Asset Tag sales start