13643712185318669838 contains 100088 NXT taken from Framewood's 697109629372813510
15182566201738727933 contains 18665 NXT taken from plasticAiredale's 8439060069775407509
16204974692852323982 contains 7808 NXT taken from PaulyC's 16821029889165561706
9793828175536096502 contains 18197 NXT taken from newcn's 16886318053889080545
12152013998194592943 contains 147690 NXT taken from sparta_cuss's 11794318797680953099
So I received 36K NXT from 2 contributors to help reimburse people. I already fully reimbursed PaulyC from my own account. That leaves:
13643712185318669838 contains 100088 NXT taken from Framewood's 697109629372813510
15182566201738727933 contains 18665 NXT taken from plasticAiredale's 8439060069775407509
9793828175536096502 contains 18197 NXT taken from newcn's 16886318053889080545
12152013998194592943 contains 147690 NXT taken from sparta_cuss's 11794318797680953099
Total of 284640NXT.
Framewood: 35.16%
plasticAiredals: 6.56%
newcn: 6.39%
sparta_cuss: 51.89%
I guess the fairest way would be to split them up proportional to what you lost, so:
Framewood: 12658NXT
plasticAiredals: 2362NXT
newcn: 2300NXT
sparta_cuss: 18680NXT
Please post addresses so I can send you NXT.