With this background you can't do it yourself? Or do you still have health issues or no time? You would be a huge contribution to the community and I think all of this would be in your best interest.
I don't exactly know where my health is going at the moment, or my time. I'm committed to helping out and this is definitely in my best interest.
I could write the executable/protocol (protocol would be fairly simple, a entered URI would call NXT, NXT would interpret the URI and pull data from the blockchain and store it in a temporary file system, the browser would then read the filesystem and display the "index") for the URI scheme, but with the current way NXT is set up a string of data can't be stored if it is over 1kb. This creates many problems and will ultimately produce static websites that are about as slow as those on the TOR network.
To allow dynamic webpages on the NXT network onion routing needs to be implemented which I might be able to do, but it would take a month or two at least.
It sounds great.I hate knowing nothing about programming when i read these things
Would it be linked with the alias system working as URL, or would it be totally independent??
It could be totally independent and linked with the alias system at the same time. The alias system on the main blockchain could be used to point to a segment of data in a parallel blockchain.
Hi and welcome (back) to Nxt!
You should poke Jean-Luc and jl777 to see what they may like help with. Jean-Luc is working on Nxt code, and jl777 (James) has a bunch of really cool projects he's working on and would love input.
Your thoughts on the nxt:// URI scheme is awesome, but I balk at the creation of any application that uses root privileges to reprogram web browsers. That's a very suspicious-looking activity, even if it is well-intentioned, and most anti-malware packages will block it.
There are browser plugins that can be used to decode Nxt aliases, right now, as well as a URL forwarder at
http://www.mynxt.info/fwd/. I think the browser-plugin route is the easiest one right now; it's the same thing Namecoin is doing.
IMHO what we need first is some consensus on what format to use in alias strings (I think URI makes the most sense, and doubt many would disagree).
I'll contact them and see if I can help.
The browser extension route may be more kosher, and could be just as effective as an URI scheme. Instead of .onion (in context with
https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/tor/ohielanlcdleofjibfmjbbkaajdcpoil?hl=en as a proof of concept) the extension could be .nxt or something along those lines.