I'd like some clarification on one point, though... How, exactly is opening the borders "just... insane"?
Sorry but if you are seriously thinking that "open borders" is not insane, you are seriously out of touch with reality. There's basically billions of people in the world that would kill to be living in America, once you open your borders, these people will rush in, now instead of tens of millions of unskilled illegals, you'll have hundreds of millions, or even billions. That's a quick path to disaster-ville.
You wouldn't have hundreds of millions of illegals, you would have hundreds of millions of
immigrants. The time periods where the US has had lots of immigration have been some of the most prosperous times. And they're hardly all unskilled, either. Now, quit with the fear-mongering, and listen to some reason.
As for the tax, yes, rich people can save more. You're neglecting the fact that with no income or capital gains taxes, the poor will also be able to save more. A minimum wage worker would, on average, get a 15-20% larger check. And you cannot deny that the rich consume more. because they consume more, they will be paying more taxes.
Being rich, in itself, does not incur a debt to society. Unless that wealth was gotten illegitimately, any debt to society
has already been paid, and the wealth is the visible result of paying that debt. Bill Gates, for instance. How did he get his money? Very likely, by putting the operating system that you're currently using onto your computer. (less likely here than elsewhere, but no less true for that) Bill Gates got his money by providing a product that people wanted. If nobody wanted any Microsoft products, Gates would be broke. The same is true for almost every rich person out there. They
got rich by providing goods or services. If they had not
already served society, they would not have the money. So stop being so jealous that you didn't provide those goods or services.
Neither fear nor jealousy are pretty emotions, and you should not be displaying them so openly.
That makes sense. I'd say that prisons should be governmentally funded and owned for the reasons you mentioned then.
The problem is not the fact that the prisons are private. It's that they are private corporations with government granted monopoly. Since they have no competition (and certainly, their "customers" get no choice in the matter), and their only obligation is to the shareholders, They don't have the prisoners' best interests at heart.
The solution, of course, is the same as any other industry dominated by a big monopoly that's fucking it's customers. Open it up to competition, and let the market decide.