1. has anyone actually got their paypal refund? i tried the previously posted advice and paypal are stonewalling me with the 45 day thing. I mentioned others got a refund and it got their attention, but if i had some examples of other cases it would bolster my case i think.
2. id like to start a collective course of action against terrahash. if we club together to do something and use a % of the collective refund amount to fund any action, it would be more effective than solo action. ie i was only stung for a $950 board, i dont think im going to see a 50% refund, and from what i hear around these parts, Amir and co prob still have our BTC and theyre worth more than enough now to cover us all. I for one would be happy to give 5% of my $950 to do something about this, rather than hope for half of that to never arrive.
So, would be in? Suggestions on what kind of action and other aspects welcome (no, not considering silk road style 'hit' on him!).
1. Some have gotten lucky past 45 days, but at this point I'm willing to bet TH owes paypal money. Hard to get it at this point, a lot of luck.
2. Sadly i think a class action suit will be hard to organize. Most will have more luck as individual. But a class action would be final blow for them to actually close shop.
1. but i heard their pp account was frozen at some stage, do we know if it was unfrozen? if its still frozen then he cant move the payments so theres still a chance of pp directly refunding.
2. if collective legal action isnt worth it maybe we all hire a hacker to crack open his btc wallet:) whatever we can do i think we should do sooner rather than later because a, there might still be a chance of getting our 'dues', the longer we wait the less chance of anything and b, doing nothing is basically accepting it (something i dont think we should do until we at least know the status of amir and his legal situation and where the moniez is at!!)
1. It was frozen at first when doing pre-orders. Yes it was working at one point. I would guess they have zero in paypal, and possibly owe them money.
2. dont do something like this..... it would only hurt those with legal actions. Dont give him reason to sound like a victim.
1. what makes you think so? not being aggressive, genuinely am interested as i would have thought pp account was still frozen so the funds still there.
2. maybe a last resort - after the legal action decides against him, but still cant get our money back (eg SR case) ;p