lots of questions on this thread that go unanswered
The lack of information is currently a detriment to this coin, and the relevant information changes every few weeks
so I'll try to answer a few things, I am not affiliated with Anoncoin, just been having my team research it for the last few months:
The Zerocoin "bloat" problem has been solved. First of all, it isn't that large of an addition to block sizes, and second of all, they get deleted or pruned from the blockchain after X confirmations. This completely mitigates any problems that were imagined with zerocoin blockchain size.
Regarding I2P - not really sure. I know a lot more about TOR than I do I2P. I do not think you need your own I2P client running to use Anoncoin in I2P
As someone who is only interested in anonymous digital currency transactions, and not investing, I have to agree that it is hard to find critical/basic information about this coin. Ultimately, this lack of information will stop people from using it. Most of this info can be found in several online forums, but it would be best if this could be added to the official website. For example (and yes, I know the answers to most of these questions):
-what is the time for generating new blocks?
-how many blocks were pre-mined, and what happened to the corresponding anc?
-why is the block reward schedule so odd? (4.2 to 7 to 5 ANC)
-what exactly does I2P do for anonymity (most people naively think that transactions can't be tracked....)
-Do you use scrypt? or SHA-256?
In addition, I think that it would be great to show a graph of the expected number of coins as a function of time, as well as the expected block reward as a function of time.