Is it possible to turn it on for a specific gpu?
I've been running one with autogpu because it has a non reference fan. The rest I just use fan auto
This parameter is global and enables ADL-related routines in cgminer, it is not enabled on a by-card basis as you'd surely know had you RTFM'd first.
Normally, since
auto-gpu is a prerequisite for card speed throttling in case of fan failure
(1) you want it enabled anyway.
(1) or the house catching fire - "Whew! Suddenly getting hot in here, better drop those clocks" (I
really couldn't abstain from making a bad joke, sorry)
I read the manual. It's not very clear on the subject. I want to get as much of the settings in the config as possible. I don't want the other cards to down clock. If the fans stop the pc will crash in a few seconds anyway.
"auto-gpu": true
"auto-fan" : true
gpu-engine : "600-800","800-800",800-800", etc
gpu-fan: "100-100", "60-85","60-85", etc
That should work. It is saying turn auto gpu and auto fan ON. range the first gpu but keep all others at 800. keep first fan at 100 and range the others.
I recommend always using auto-gpu even if you want the clock static. Having auto-gpu enabled allows cgminer to shutdown gpu if it overheats or put the fan into emergency (100% mode).
I tried this but the engine clock on the first gpu get stuck at 850. That's the stock speed for the card, the other clocks get changed correctly. If I change it from within cg miner it works.
"auto-gpu": true,
"auto-fan" : true,
"gpu-engine" : "600-850,800-800,800-800,800-800,800-800",
"gpu-fan" : "100-100,0-85,0-85,0-85,0-85",
"gpu-memclock" : "150,150,150,150,150",
"temp-target" : "80,70,70,75,75",