New release version.
Source only at the moment: features:
- I removed the -n option being no dynamic and left it how it was as number of devices
- Setting an intensity now of any value automatically disables the dynamic feature. It was basically completely overrided if dynamic was enabled, so these are now mutually exclusive features.
- I've added signal handling to try and clean up at the end and return the shell/console neatly if you press ctrl-c. I believe you need to use ctrl-break on windows still (when the binary comes out).
- There is a new option:
--text-only|-T Disable ncurses formatted screen output
- I've made it so that the watchdog thread only restarts threads if they're inactive in the setting of normal network conditions and will not try to restart them if the network connectivity is down.
- cgminer now tests on startup that it can connect at least once with the url and credentials to not try and reconnect indefinitely.
- There is no "fake work" at startup now with one hard lot of work handed to the gpu mining thread which should prevent the false positive hardware errors reported.
- CPU mining has been fixed, it was not resetting back properly on getting a new work item.
- The status window in curses mode will update more reliably and do less work now.
- Modifications to build on mingw32 for windows and now to build on osx courtesy of Ycros
- A status summary is now printed on exiting cgminer. It looks like this:
Summary of runtime statistics:
Started at [2011-07-15 01:05:28]
Runtime: 0 hrs : 12 mins : 13 secs
Average hashrate: 178.4 Megahash/s
Queued work requests: 33
Share submissions: 28
Accepted shares: 24
Rejected shares: 4
Reject ratio: 14.3
Hardware errors: 0
Efficiency (accepted / queued): 73%
Utility (accepted shares / min): 1.97/min
Discarded work due to new blocks: 4
Stale submissions discarded due to new blocks: 0
Unable to get work from server occasions: 0
Work items generated locally: 0
Submitting work remotely delay occasions: 0
New blocks detected on network: 2
Summary of per device statistics:
GPU 0: [178.4 Mh/s] [Q:33 A:24 R:4 HW:0 E:73% U:2.04/m]
... I think I need a little break now