But, no way to know what miner I am monitoring when using webgui... only by IP.
I will like a lot a simple text field for assigning each miner a name. If visible at dashboard, you can identify your miners very easy.
Maybe too stupid request, but really easy to implement ha ha...
This falls to the category of "do only if you know you can copypaste and follow the instructions" but here's how you can change the page title of the dashboard of each unit. The title is what's visible in the browser window bar or tab bar, not on the page itself. You need to connect via ssh to the mcu (the login and password has been mentioned in earlier posts) and then run the following two commands. Edit only the first one to match the wanted title but don't touch the second line:
pagetitle="The new dashboard title comes here within these quotes"
sed -i -e "s#.* #${pagetitle} #g" /opt/apolloapi/build/index.html
Reload the dashboard in the browser and that should be it. The original title is "Apollo miner web dashboard" if you forgot to write it down.