
Topic: Official Newbie BitInstant Support Thread (Active Customer Support) - page 63. (Read 495996 times)

Activity: 1974
Merit: 1010
We sent your funds to the requested account that you asked us to send to.  Mt.Gox has your funds and my understanding is that it is very difficult for them to move these funds based on strict Japanese regulations.  I would suggest you ask Gox who is holding your funds.  If we still had your funds then we would likely be able to help you further.  Thanks.

Ursay, thanks again for your reply.  Rachel at BitInstant has also been very helpful in explaining the situation.  I am in no way faulting her for this situation.  As a reminder, the issue is that my deposit was made to an account number of the format M+(6-digits)+X around the time that MtGox changed the format of their account numbers from a 6 digit number to M+(2 new digits)+(6-digits)+X.  

my understanding is that it is very difficult for them to move these funds based on strict Japanese regulations.  

For legal reasons, Mt.Gox needs to freeze the funds in the incorrect account and then contact that account owner and receive written consent from the account owner to reroute the money to your account. Per our business agreement with Mt.Gox, it was agreed that they would be responsible for rerouting funds for customers when incorrect but valid accounts received funds.
Yes, I've received that text, verbatim, from Rachel on multiple occasions.  Can you explain to me, then, why or how BitInstant transferred the funds deposited by srsizzy on April 21 to an account number entered as
 "M139749X" was re-routed to his 8-digit account number (M70139749X) a week later by BitInstant?  According to him, he did not contact MtGox support and the change was made by BitInstant.

This situation seems identical to my deposit, made to an account number entered as "M329000X" on April 12, yet I am still finding it impossible six weeks later to arrange re-routing of my deposit to my 8-digit account number (M74329000X).  If I understood exactly why (and by whome) these were treated differently, it might help me move towards a resolution of some sort.

Thank you.

Mt.Gox used to help us with orders that were sent to the wrong account due to customer error.  Now Mt.Gox requires much more strict regulations when moving funds sent to the wrong account.  We have no control over Mt.Gox, where you chose to send your funds to at Mt.Gox, or Japanese laws that may be causing these issues.

Regardless that we cannot help in these situations, we are empathetic with your issue and wish to extend discounts on future orders.  Please contact us at if you would like to discuss this customer courtesy further.
Activity: 34
Merit: 0
We sent your funds to the requested account that you asked us to send to.  Mt.Gox has your funds and my understanding is that it is very difficult for them to move these funds based on strict Japanese regulations.  I would suggest you ask Gox who is holding your funds.  If we still had your funds then we would likely be able to help you further.  Thanks.

Ursay, thanks again for your reply.  Rachel at BitInstant has also been very helpful in explaining the situation.  I am in no way faulting her for this situation.  As a reminder, the issue is that my deposit was made to an account number of the format M+(6-digits)+X around the time that MtGox changed the format of their account numbers from a 6 digit number to M+(2 new digits)+(6-digits)+X.  

my understanding is that it is very difficult for them to move these funds based on strict Japanese regulations.  

For legal reasons, Mt.Gox needs to freeze the funds in the incorrect account and then contact that account owner and receive written consent from the account owner to reroute the money to your account. Per our business agreement with Mt.Gox, it was agreed that they would be responsible for rerouting funds for customers when incorrect but valid accounts received funds.
Yes, I've received that text, verbatim, from Rachel on multiple occasions.  Can you explain to me, then, why or how BitInstant transferred the funds deposited by srsizzy on April 21 to an account number entered as
 "M139749X" was re-routed to his 8-digit account number (M70139749X) a week later by BitInstant?  According to him, he did not contact MtGox support and the change was made by BitInstant.

This situation seems identical to my deposit, made to an account number entered as "M329000X" on April 12, yet I am still finding it impossible six weeks later to arrange re-routing of my deposit to my 8-digit account number (M74329000X).  If I understood exactly why (and by whome) these were treated differently, it might help me move towards a resolution of some sort.

Thank you.
Activity: 70
Merit: 10
I understand your frustration and I'm terribly sorry that there was an issue with your order.  But with all due respect, you communicated to us about a month ago that your issue was resolved and approved the refund that we sent you.  If you care to really break down how we continue to owe you funds with math and details I would be happy to consider any of those details you have to offer me.

i thank you for understanding my fustrations.. as you say

but..... im not really interested in wasting more time trying to get my money back from bitinstant... i already gave your company 100% fair oppuerinity to resolve the issue.. your company un-wisley choose not to.

is that the same email that i never seem to get replys to?.... all emails to that adresss seem to fall on deaf ears...  your the only person to write to me from that email. ( and that was 2 weeks after my orginal email to that adresse and was not a reply but a new messege from you dirrectly.)

besides... i already know how this works... you give me the run around... pretend you dont see my requests for refunds or fee waivers .. ect...ect...ect...   and in a month you will offer me 10% and hope i take it.

as for breaking down the math, of how you owe me.... thats kinda subjective.. and complex

(do you owe me for out of pocket expenses to cover for your companys failures?... oppertunity costs?.. missing out on the price hikes of bitcoins?... losing money as the price of bitcoins were low when i finaly got some bitcoins?.... having to cover the gap of having my money stuck in limbo?. ect..ect..ect)

 its hard to say for sure how much i lost... so its hard to show you... how could you know if i  was being honest any ways?... i could easily lie and say i had somone willing to pay big bucks becuase they coudlent get bitcoins in there country so i was getting it for them,.... i could easily make up some crapy lie and it would be unconfirmable and subjective.

as for the truth...  im out around 250 - 550  dollars.... not including harder to see oppertunity costs and expenditurs

but its diffcualt to break it down... and is subjective.

how am i out 250 - 300 dollars?... again thats subjective and vauge....

are you familure with a term called Arbitrage?.... its were you take advantage of price difference between two or more markets.... you push money around to make money....  there were some juicy oppertunitys on the virwox exhange that could have been taken advantage of by trading bitcoins for other currancys then trading them back to bitcoins later.  (am i sopposed to lay out a buisness plan here?)

losing out on hundreds of dollars of extra money i could have really used becuase even though i got my bitcoins ahead of time, by the time i recieved my bitcoins it was far to late and far to few in value.

 another example is that i lost out on major price hikes in the price of bitcoin, a main reason why i rushed to buy bitcoins when i did.. but its hard to say how much money i lost... the price of bitcoin more then doubbled exactly when i expected it.. but i was without my coins at the time -_-

when i did get my bitcoins the price had fallen signifcily... resulting in more money lost.

i had to input addtional money to get bitcoins from other sources.. once your company failed to meet all its promises.. as my money was stuck in limbo.

i had to compensate for the money stuck in limbo with your company and had to compensate for the money i sent to more legitiment sources for bitcoins...

you offerd  0.5 btc ...  becuase you said the price band was 65 - 70 USD.... but 0.5 btc didnt even meet the highest 70 dollar price band for the 92 buck...  it comes up a few bucks short.... your either nickle and diming me or changeing me fees twice.

speaking of... it looks like the fees were still not waived... a demand you always pretend to go deaf when asked about.

im not trying to blame bitinstant for all my problems..... but the shakey fact is... i lost hundreds dirrectly becuase of bitcoins failure to meet its GUARNTEE('s)

how much money is hard to say... and hard to break down in math.. and is dependent on honesty (as is the nature of bitcoins and your buisness)

and then there is the fact that i already asked for compensation for all of this already... why should i reach out to your company so it can save its own ass?.. i already asked nicley AND not so nicley for compensation and all your compnay did was give me the run around and pretend it didnt see what i was saying.

but it seems i am out 250 minumum...  and thats being HYPER CONSERVATIVE for YOUR BENNIFT....... in reallitys its more like 500 or more.... a combination of many factors... from ranging from missing out on the dubbling of bitcoin price.... getting my bitcoins at a time when the price of bitcoins was low and still falling (since it took nearly a month for you to send me more bitcoins)

and in the end... im not just pissed about the money.. im more concerned about the principal of the matter and of how poorley bitinstants handling of the situation was.

 on second thought.... im pissed abouth both eqauly.... there is a reason people refeer to the customers in this suport thread as victems.

Activity: 1974
Merit: 1010
I understand your frustration and I'm terribly sorry that there was an issue with your order.  But with all due respect, you communicated to us about a month ago that your issue was resolved and approved the refund that we sent you.  If you care to really break down how we continue to owe you funds with math and details I would be happy to consider any of those details you have to offer me.
Activity: 70
Merit: 10
Was my issue resolved.....yes. Did i lose money due to the wait yes. My transfer was going to Bitstamp and by the time i got my funds to buy the coins the value shot up as it is still doing. Will I ever use their service again - doubtful. I have yet to see a valid explanation and apology to all of us formerly loyal customers. I am watching this thread even though my issue was resolved days ago and they are still robbing people today. They must be low on money or seriously incompetent and i think it is the first of the two. Since they know there are problems it is fraudulent for them to keep taking your money knowing you will either be burned or wait a month. So sad. Good luck to all you other victims out there.

the key is to make sure everyone knows about it.... screen shots of the complaints on this thread are by far the best thing to show others.... it destorys the trust that bitinstant desperatly needs in a area were trust is absolultly critcial.

bit instants owes me hundreds of dollars also.... and refused to give me even a penny of it.. in fact they refused to give me the full pruchess price of my bitcoins as well... and refuse to refund the fee they charged.

so what do you do when a company robs you?...  make sure everyone knows about it.... it will cost them 1000x more then the money they owe you.

spread screen shots of whats going in here to all the social midea sites, let everyone know.... twitter... reddit... facebook... myspace

put up pictures of complains on this thread to pinterest and tumbler.... then book mark those pages.

do you know how to make web sites and webpages?... its very easy.. free.. and you can get alot of traffic on google with basic seo tips.

make some reivew web pages.... and give this company a reivew of your experiance with them.

this company wont stop ripping people off until we hit then were it hurts... its wallet.

i strongly encourage you to do, what many abused customers are doing... .spreading the word.

they dont even need to know what bitcoins are.... they just need to know to stay away from bitinstant and why.

hey bitinstant?... enjoying the money you ripped me off for?..... not as much as i enjoy seeing the thosends and  thosends of dollars ripped from your wallet as more and more people find out how you are ripping people off.

i gave this company every oppertunity to settled what it owed... i gave them 100% fair warning... they wanted to ripp me off?.. fine... but it will cost them... thosends and thosends and thosends of dollars... and thosends of customers.

i strongly encuraged any one who has had a negitive experiance with bitinstant to report it to others.... social meida sites are how customers get there "say"

its been estimated that 1 like on facebook generates over 100 dollars for a company... now do the math in reverse.

dont beg them to please give you your money they owe... . dont get on this thread and beg them to keep there word after they took your money..... FIGHT BACK YOU HAVE THE POWR NOT THEM

if they are holding your money.... dont come on here and beg for it.... you dont need to beg, its THERE responsibity to keep there word.

no customer... should have to come on this thread.. and beg for there money.

dont be affraid.... tell them give them your money back or your going to the public.. and if they dont... GO TO THE PUBLIC... thats customers true main defense in a type of buisness like this.

I am showing that you had a price correction issue recently for which we asked if we could refund you a specific amount of btc to resolve your issue.  You agreed and your refund was sent.

Is there another issue that you needed resolved?  The best way to get a resolution is to communicate with us directly about what your issue is and how it can be resolved at

I'm not seeing that you have any open support issues so how can I help?

i spent almost a month telling your company how much you owed....  i asked for as mear fraction of what i lost.

your company did everything it could to ignore my refunds reqeusts.... played deaf when asked for fee refunds... played deaf when asked for compansation for my losses.

(and i think everyone in this thread already know about the lack of responsivines from customer suport emails.. enough said about that)

after nearly a month.. you offerd me 0.5 bitcoins....  less then the minium btc of the price band that you your self gave me (65-70) usd

i am no longer willing to spend additonal time chasing your company for my money.... so i cut my lossses and took your meager offer.

and that is reflected in my honest staments about your company.....

however if you think my memeory failed... it didnt

if you thought you could treat me like that... ripp me off... hold my money for nearly a month.. and think thats just okay?..  No.

you were wrong about that.

im sick of asking you for my money.... so instead you lose me as a customer and everyone else i am connected to... and this is a well connected world.

Directly from your support request on 4/29...about a month ago...

BitInstant - "Would a refund of .5 BTC resolve your issue?

FireBlazzer - "Yes... fine...   0.5 BTC, bitcoin address: 1LegDJSSFSMZcYbFvuabLcTB1s8yC5A8pe"

How is it that we are "ripping you off" when we have given you a refund that you agreed would resolve you issue and now I am here discussing this with you in real time, again?  I wouldn't call that a lack of response from support.

now why dont you post all the comunications from the weeks before that? of me trying to get my money from your company?... i would do it for you but it would fill about 8 pages up on this thread.

  "1 hour" turned into about 480 hours.

 i should be getting paid by the hour for all the time i spent trying to get my money back from you guys... + any overtime i very well may have racked up....  


your here in the forums all the time... but as you said.. your power is limited... and as most here will surley agree.... the main bitinstant suport is exreamly unresponsive.


i cut my losses, as i stated.... but that doesent mean things are cool with me and bitinstant... im still out alot of money becuase of your companys failure to meet is guarantee, and the errors in the system your company has set up and claimed its customers could trust.

im done fucking around....  "BitIinstant" should have treated its customers with more care.... and when you dont you lose your customers as was pointed out in the comment i responded to.

Activity: 1974
Merit: 1010
Was my issue resolved.....yes. Did i lose money due to the wait yes. My transfer was going to Bitstamp and by the time i got my funds to buy the coins the value shot up as it is still doing. Will I ever use their service again - doubtful. I have yet to see a valid explanation and apology to all of us formerly loyal customers. I am watching this thread even though my issue was resolved days ago and they are still robbing people today. They must be low on money or seriously incompetent and i think it is the first of the two. Since they know there are problems it is fraudulent for them to keep taking your money knowing you will either be burned or wait a month. So sad. Good luck to all you other victims out there.

the key is to make sure everyone knows about it.... screen shots of the complaints on this thread are by far the best thing to show others.... it destorys the trust that bitinstant desperatly needs in a area were trust is absolultly critcial.

bit instants owes me hundreds of dollars also.... and refused to give me even a penny of it.. in fact they refused to give me the full pruchess price of my bitcoins as well... and refuse to refund the fee they charged.

so what do you do when a company robs you?...  make sure everyone knows about it.... it will cost them 1000x more then the money they owe you.

spread screen shots of whats going in here to all the social midea sites, let everyone know.... twitter... reddit... facebook... myspace

put up pictures of complains on this thread to pinterest and tumbler.... then book mark those pages.

do you know how to make web sites and webpages?... its very easy.. free.. and you can get alot of traffic on google with basic seo tips.

make some reivew web pages.... and give this company a reivew of your experiance with them.

this company wont stop ripping people off until we hit then were it hurts... its wallet.

i strongly encourage you to do, what many abused customers are doing... .spreading the word.

they dont even need to know what bitcoins are.... they just need to know to stay away from bitinstant and why.

hey bitinstant?... enjoying the money you ripped me off for?..... not as much as i enjoy seeing the thosends and  thosends of dollars ripped from your wallet as more and more people find out how you are ripping people off.

i gave this company every oppertunity to settled what it owed... i gave them 100% fair warning... they wanted to ripp me off?.. fine... but it will cost them... thosends and thosends and thosends of dollars... and thosends of customers.

i strongly encuraged any one who has had a negitive experiance with bitinstant to report it to others.... social meida sites are how customers get there "say"

its been estimated that 1 like on facebook generates over 100 dollars for a company... now do the math in reverse.

dont beg them to please give you your money they owe... . dont get on this thread and beg them to keep there word after they took your money..... FIGHT BACK YOU HAVE THE POWR NOT THEM

if they are holding your money.... dont come on here and beg for it.... you dont need to beg, its THERE responsibity to keep there word.

no customer... should have to come on this thread.. and beg for there money.

dont be affraid.... tell them give them your money back or your going to the public.. and if they dont... GO TO THE PUBLIC... thats customers true main defense in a type of buisness like this.

I am showing that you had a price correction issue recently for which we asked if we could refund you a specific amount of btc to resolve your issue.  You agreed and your refund was sent.

Is there another issue that you needed resolved?  The best way to get a resolution is to communicate with us directly about what your issue is and how it can be resolved at

I'm not seeing that you have any open support issues so how can I help?

i spent almost a month telling your company how much you owed....  i asked for as mear fraction of what i lost.

your company did everything it could to ignore my refunds reqeusts.... played deaf when asked for fee refunds... played deaf when asked for compansation for my losses.

(and i think everyone in this thread already know about the lack of responsivines from customer suport emails.. enough said about that)

after nearly a month.. you offerd me 0.5 bitcoins....  less then the minium btc of the price band that you your self gave me (65-70) usd

i am no longer willing to spend additonal time chasing your company for my money.... so i cut my lossses and took your meager offer.

and that is reflected in my honest staments about your company.....

however if you think my memeory failed... it didnt

if you thought you could treat me like that... ripp me off... hold my money for nearly a month.. and think thats just okay?..  No.

you were wrong about that.

im sick of asking you for my money.... so instead you lose me as a customer and everyone else i am connected to... and this is a well connected world.

Directly from your support request on 4/29...about a month ago...

BitInstant - "Would a refund of .5 BTC resolve your issue?

FireBlazzer - "Yes... fine...   0.5 BTC, bitcoin address: 1LegDJSSFSMZcYbFvuabLcTB1s8yC5A8pe"

How is it that we are "ripping you off" when we have given you a refund that you agreed would resolve you issue, and now I am here discussing this with you in real time, again?  I wouldn't call that a lack of response from support.  You agreed that you issue was resolved a month ago.  So a month later, why is this issue coming up again?
Activity: 70
Merit: 10
Was my issue resolved.....yes. Did i lose money due to the wait yes. My transfer was going to Bitstamp and by the time i got my funds to buy the coins the value shot up as it is still doing. Will I ever use their service again - doubtful. I have yet to see a valid explanation and apology to all of us formerly loyal customers. I am watching this thread even though my issue was resolved days ago and they are still robbing people today. They must be low on money or seriously incompetent and i think it is the first of the two. Since they know there are problems it is fraudulent for them to keep taking your money knowing you will either be burned or wait a month. So sad. Good luck to all you other victims out there.

the key is to make sure everyone knows about it.... screen shots of the complaints on this thread are by far the best thing to show others.... it destorys the trust that bitinstant desperatly needs in a area were trust is absolultly critcial.

bit instants owes me hundreds of dollars also.... and refused to give me even a penny of it.. in fact they refused to give me the full pruchess price of my bitcoins as well... and refuse to refund the fee they charged.

so what do you do when a company robs you?...  make sure everyone knows about it.... it will cost them 1000x more then the money they owe you.

spread screen shots of whats going in here to all the social midea sites, let everyone know.... twitter... reddit... facebook... myspace

put up pictures of complains on this thread to pinterest and tumbler.... then book mark those pages.

do you know how to make web sites and webpages?... its very easy.. free.. and you can get alot of traffic on google with basic seo tips.

make some reivew web pages.... and give this company a reivew of your experiance with them.

this company wont stop ripping people off until we hit then were it hurts... its wallet.

i strongly encourage you to do, what many abused customers are doing... .spreading the word.

they dont even need to know what bitcoins are.... they just need to know to stay away from bitinstant and why.

hey bitinstant?... enjoying the money you ripped me off for?..... not as much as i enjoy seeing the thosends and  thosends of dollars ripped from your wallet as more and more people find out how you are ripping people off.

i gave this company every oppertunity to settled what it owed... i gave them 100% fair warning... they wanted to ripp me off?.. fine... but it will cost them... thosends and thosends and thosends of dollars... and thosends of customers.

i strongly encuraged any one who has had a negitive experiance with bitinstant to report it to others.... social meida sites are how customers get there "say"

its been estimated that 1 like on facebook generates over 100 dollars for a company... now do the math in reverse.

dont beg them to please give you your money they owe... . dont get on this thread and beg them to keep there word after they took your money..... FIGHT BACK YOU HAVE THE POWR NOT THEM

if they are holding your money.... dont come on here and beg for it.... you dont need to beg, its THERE responsibity to keep there word.

no customer... should have to come on this thread.. and beg for there money.

dont be affraid.... tell them give them your money back or your going to the public.. and if they dont... GO TO THE PUBLIC... thats customers true main defense in a type of buisness like this.

I am showing that you had a price correction issue recently for which we asked if we could refund you a specific amount of btc to resolve your issue.  You agreed and your refund was sent.

Is there another issue that you needed resolved?  The best way to get a resolution is to communicate with us directly about what your issue is and how it can be resolved at

I'm not seeing that you have any open support issues so how can I help?

i spent almost a month telling your company how much you owed....  i asked for as mear fraction of what i lost.

your company did everything it could to ignore my refunds reqeusts.... played deaf when asked for fee refunds... played deaf when asked for compansation for my losses.

(and i think everyone in this thread already know about the lack of responsivines from customer suport emails.. enough said about that)

after nearly a month.. you offerd me 0.5 bitcoins....  less then the minium btc of the price band that you your self gave me (65-70) usd

i am no longer willing to spend additonal time chasing your company for my money.... so i cut my lossses and took your meager offer.

and that is reflected in my honest staments about your company.....

however if you think my memeory failed... it didnt

if you thought you could treat me like that... ripp me off... hold my money for nearly a month.. and think thats just okay?..  No.

you were wrong about that.

im sick of asking you for my money.... so instead you lose me as a customer and everyone else i am connected to... and this is a well connected world.

Activity: 1974
Merit: 1010
Was my issue resolved.....yes. Did i lose money due to the wait yes. My transfer was going to Bitstamp and by the time i got my funds to buy the coins the value shot up as it is still doing. Will I ever use their service again - doubtful. I have yet to see a valid explanation and apology to all of us formerly loyal customers. I am watching this thread even though my issue was resolved days ago and they are still robbing people today. They must be low on money or seriously incompetent and i think it is the first of the two. Since they know there are problems it is fraudulent for them to keep taking your money knowing you will either be burned or wait a month. So sad. Good luck to all you other victims out there.

the key is to make sure everyone knows about it.... screen shots of the complaints on this thread are by far the best thing to show others.... it destorys the trust that bitinstant desperatly needs in a area were trust is absolultly critcial.

bit instants owes me hundreds of dollars also.... and refused to give me even a penny of it.. in fact they refused to give me the full pruchess price of my bitcoins as well... and refuse to refund the fee they charged.

so what do you do when a company robs you?...  make sure everyone knows about it.... it will cost them 1000x more then the money they owe you.

spread screen shots of whats going in here to all the social midea sites, let everyone know.... twitter... reddit... facebook... myspace

put up pictures of complains on this thread to pinterest and tumbler.... then book mark those pages.

do you know how to make web sites and webpages?... its very easy.. free.. and you can get alot of traffic on google with basic seo tips.

make some reivew web pages.... and give this company a reivew of your experiance with them.

this company wont stop ripping people off until we hit then were it hurts... its wallet.

i strongly encourage you to do, what many abused customers are doing... .spreading the word.

they dont even need to know what bitcoins are.... they just need to know to stay away from bitinstant and why.

hey bitinstant?... enjoying the money you ripped me off for?..... not as much as i enjoy seeing the thosends and  thosends of dollars ripped from your wallet as more and more people find out how you are ripping people off.

i gave this company every oppertunity to settled what it owed... i gave them 100% fair warning... they wanted to ripp me off?.. fine... but it will cost them... thosends and thosends and thosends of dollars... and thosends of customers.

i strongly encuraged any one who has had a negitive experiance with bitinstant to report it to others.... social meida sites are how customers get there "say"

its been estimated that 1 like on facebook generates over 100 dollars for a company... now do the math in reverse.

dont beg them to please give you your money they owe... . dont get on this thread and beg them to keep there word after they took your money..... FIGHT BACK YOU HAVE THE POWR NOT THEM

if they are holding your money.... dont come on here and beg for it.... you dont need to beg, its THERE responsibity to keep there word.

no customer... should have to come on this thread.. and beg for there money.

dont be affraid.... tell them give them your money back or your going to the public.. and if they dont... GO TO THE PUBLIC... thats customers true main defense in a type of buisness like this.

I am showing that you had a price correction issue recently for which we asked if we could refund you a specific amount of btc to resolve your issue.  You agreed and your refund was sent.

Is there another issue that you needed resolved?  The best way to get a resolution is to communicate with us directly about what your issue is and how it can be resolved at

I'm not seeing that you have any open support issues so how can I help?
Activity: 70
Merit: 10
Was my issue resolved.....yes. Did i lose money due to the wait yes. My transfer was going to Bitstamp and by the time i got my funds to buy the coins the value shot up as it is still doing. Will I ever use their service again - doubtful. I have yet to see a valid explanation and apology to all of us formerly loyal customers. I am watching this thread even though my issue was resolved days ago and they are still robbing people today. They must be low on money or seriously incompetent and i think it is the first of the two. Since they know there are problems it is fraudulent for them to keep taking your money knowing you will either be burned or wait a month. So sad. Good luck to all you other victims out there.

the key is to make sure everyone knows about it.... screen shots of the complaints on this thread are by far the best thing to show others.... it destorys the trust that bitinstant desperatly needs in a area were trust is absolultly critcial.

bit instants owes me hundreds of dollars also.... and refused to give me even a penny of it.. in fact they refused to give me the full pruchess price of my bitcoins as well... and refuse to refund the fee they charged.

so what do you do when a company robs you?...  make sure everyone knows about it.... it will cost them 1000x more then the money they owe you.

spread screen shots of whats going in here to all the social midea sites, let everyone know.... twitter... reddit... facebook... myspace

put up pictures of complains on this thread to pinterest and tumbler.... then book mark those pages.

do you know how to make web sites and webpages?... its very easy.. free.. and you can get alot of traffic on google with basic seo tips.

make some reivew web pages.... and give this company a reivew of your experiance with them.

this company wont stop ripping people off until we hit then were it hurts... its wallet.

i strongly encourage you to do, what many abused customers are doing... .spreading the word.

they dont even need to know what bitcoins are.... they just need to know to stay away from bitinstant and why.

hey bitinstant?... enjoying the money you ripped me off for?..... not as much as i enjoy seeing the thosends and  thosends of dollars ripped from your wallet as more and more people find out how you are ripping people off.

i gave this company every oppertunity to settled what it owed... i gave them 100% fair warning... they wanted to ripp me off?.. fine... but it will cost them... thosends and thosends and thosends of dollars... and thosends of customers.

i strongly encuraged any one who has had a negitive experiance with bitinstant to report it to others.... social meida sites are how customers get there "say"

its been estimated that 1 like on facebook generates over 100 dollars for a company... now do the math in reverse.

dont beg them to please give you your money they owe... . dont get on this thread and beg them to keep there word after they took your money..... FIGHT BACK YOU HAVE THE POWR NOT THEM

if they are holding your money.... dont come on here and beg for it.... you dont need to beg, its THERE responsibity to keep there word.

no customer... should have to come on this thread.. and beg for there money.

dont be affraid.... tell them give them your money back or your going to the public.. and if they dont... GO TO THE PUBLIC... thats customers true main defense in a type of buisness like this.

hero member
Activity: 721
Merit: 503
There is a serious problem with the Bitinstant API.  When we send a a GetQuote request with all the fields properly filled in, your system is indicating that it is mixing up the fields.  I get a quote ID and several fields back, and the fields are scrambled.  This is NOT on our end.  Here are the problematic fields it is returning for John Doe with DOB 12/1/1964:

"FirstName": "Doe"
"LastName": "1964-12-01"
"ZipZapCustomerCountry": "John"
"dob": ""

The quote ID for this sample transaction is 3f290352-b249-4781-80f3-e008f50367f5.

I honestly don't even want to know how it could get screwed up in this way, given that your programmers would have to intentionally code it to scramble these things like this.  I'd just like it to work.  As always when I try to work with Bitinstant, something bizarre and possibly nefarious is happening - my guess is that funded transactions resulting from the GetQuote API call will wind up delayed for months while Bitinstant holds the money claiming that we messed up the fields when we submitted them.  Nevertheless, I need to roll this solution out tonight for a client that is using Bitinstant (against my advice) for their customers.  

Since there is literally no chance that this will be fixed on your end anytime soon, would this transaction go through if a customer funded it even with your mishmash of info?

You'd probably want to log this at so a dev can get back to you with a reasonable answer.  Thanks.

I contacted them.  No answer, and the API is still mixing up the fields.  As an experienced developer I can tell you that it would be more difficult to mix them than to simply interpret the data properly.  I cannot envision a circumstance under which this is not deliberate and intended to cause transaction delays while you hold the money.

I saw your issue was logged.  You should of received an auto response which states that we are looking into your issue.  Please be patient as your issue makes it's way thru the queue.  Thanks.

Please forward the details to myself at [email protected] with the subject "API issues" and include some sample code too.
Activity: 1974
Merit: 1010
We sent your funds to the requested account that you asked us to send to.  Mt.Gox has your funds and my understanding is that it is very difficult for them to move these funds based on strict Japanese regulations.  I would suggest you ask Gox who is holding your funds.  If we still had your funds then we would likely be able to help you further.  Thanks.

Ursay, thanks again for your reply.  Rachel at BitInstant has also been very helpful in explaining the situation.  I am in no way faulting her for this situation.  As a reminder, the issue is that my deposit was made to an account number of the format M+(6-digits)+X around the time that MtGox changed the format of their account numbers from a 6 digit number to M+(2 new digits)+(6-digits)+X.  

I don't disagree that it is Mt.Gox that is fundamentally at fault here.  However, BitInstant's position seems to be that they can do nothing to influence Mt.Gox.  So far, no one at BitInstant has even acknowledged that this was not an isolated incident, despite the fact that there are other posts in this forum describing the same scenario.

my understanding is that it is very difficult for them to move these funds based on strict Japanese regulations.  

I find it difficult to believe that Japanese money laundering regulations have no problem with depositing funds to, and holding funds in, an improperly formatted account number.  If I had sent funds to someone else's account, or even to a non-existent account number in the correct format, the situation would be completely different.

To be clear, are there any protections in BitInstant's interface to prevent funds from being sent to account number UMFUFU666?  How about about to account number "Doe" or "1964-12-01"?  I realize that BitInstant might feel that MtGox should reject these or be willing to immediately reverse them.  Based on the responses I've received from MtGox, I have no reason to believe that they would actually do this.  However, it seems clear to me that the amount of work required to modify the BitInstant API to reject incorrectly formatted account numbers would be more than justified by the havoc that would be prevented.  

We are working to build a system which will not allow customers to make mistakes but these things do not happen overnight.  We always suggest customers triple check their orders for mistakes before sending.

For legal reasons, Mt.Gox needs to freeze the funds in the incorrect account and then contact that account owner and receive written consent from the account owner to reroute the money to your account. Per our business agreement with Mt.Gox, it was agreed that they would be responsible for rerouting funds for customers when incorrect but valid accounts received funds.
Activity: 34
Merit: 0
We sent your funds to the requested account that you asked us to send to.  Mt.Gox has your funds and my understanding is that it is very difficult for them to move these funds based on strict Japanese regulations.  I would suggest you ask Gox who is holding your funds.  If we still had your funds then we would likely be able to help you further.  Thanks.

Ursay, thanks again for your reply.  Rachel at BitInstant has also been very helpful in explaining the situation.  I am in no way faulting her for this situation.  As a reminder, the issue is that my deposit was made to an account number of the format M+(6-digits)+X around the time that MtGox changed the format of their account numbers from a 6 digit number to M+(2 new digits)+(6-digits)+X. 

I don't disagree that it is Mt.Gox that is fundamentally at fault here.  However, BitInstant's position seems to be that they can do nothing to influence Mt.Gox.  So far, no one at BitInstant has even acknowledged that this was not an isolated incident, despite the fact that there are other posts in this forum describing the same scenario.

my understanding is that it is very difficult for them to move these funds based on strict Japanese regulations. 

I find it difficult to believe that Japanese money laundering regulations have no problem with depositing funds to, and holding funds in, an improperly formatted account number.  If I had sent funds to someone else's account, or even to a non-existent account number in the correct format, the situation would be completely different.

To be clear, are there any protections in BitInstant's interface to prevent funds from being sent to account number UMFUFU666?  How about about to account number "Doe" or "1964-12-01"?  I realize that BitInstant might feel that MtGox should reject these or be willing to immediately reverse them.  Based on the responses I've received from MtGox, I have no reason to believe that they would actually do this.  However, it seems clear to me that the amount of work required to modify the BitInstant API to reject incorrectly formatted account numbers would be more than justified by the havoc that would be prevented. 
Activity: 1974
Merit: 1010
There is a serious problem with the Bitinstant API.  When we send a a GetQuote request with all the fields properly filled in, your system is indicating that it is mixing up the fields.  I get a quote ID and several fields back, and the fields are scrambled.  This is NOT on our end.  Here are the problematic fields it is returning for John Doe with DOB 12/1/1964:

"FirstName": "Doe"
"LastName": "1964-12-01"
"ZipZapCustomerCountry": "John"
"dob": ""

The quote ID for this sample transaction is 3f290352-b249-4781-80f3-e008f50367f5.

I honestly don't even want to know how it could get screwed up in this way, given that your programmers would have to intentionally code it to scramble these things like this.  I'd just like it to work.  As always when I try to work with Bitinstant, something bizarre and possibly nefarious is happening - my guess is that funded transactions resulting from the GetQuote API call will wind up delayed for months while Bitinstant holds the money claiming that we messed up the fields when we submitted them.  Nevertheless, I need to roll this solution out tonight for a client that is using Bitinstant (against my advice) for their customers.  

Since there is literally no chance that this will be fixed on your end anytime soon, would this transaction go through if a customer funded it even with your mishmash of info?

You'd probably want to log this at so a dev can get back to you with a reasonable answer.  Thanks.

I contacted them.  No answer, and the API is still mixing up the fields.  As an experienced developer I can tell you that it would be more difficult to mix them than to simply interpret the data properly.  I cannot envision a circumstance under which this is not deliberate and intended to cause transaction delays while you hold the money.

I saw your issue was logged.  You should of received an auto response which states that we are looking into your issue.  Please be patient as your issue makes it's way thru the queue.  Thanks.
Activity: 1974
Merit: 1010
Hello. Is there any update on my order? It was CVS to VouchX but I accepted MtGox as a solution however Seth had to transfer me to tech support and I have had nothing since then. It has been over 12 hours since the transfer. I just want some kind of update. Anything!
Order ID

Go ahead and respond to your customer support email and someone can give you an update.  Thanks.
sr. member
Activity: 798
Merit: 251
There is a serious problem with the Bitinstant API.  When we send a a GetQuote request with all the fields properly filled in, your system is indicating that it is mixing up the fields.  I get a quote ID and several fields back, and the fields are scrambled.  This is NOT on our end.  Here are the problematic fields it is returning for John Doe with DOB 12/1/1964:

"FirstName": "Doe"
"LastName": "1964-12-01"
"ZipZapCustomerCountry": "John"
"dob": ""

The quote ID for this sample transaction is 3f290352-b249-4781-80f3-e008f50367f5.

I honestly don't even want to know how it could get screwed up in this way, given that your programmers would have to intentionally code it to scramble these things like this.  I'd just like it to work.  As always when I try to work with Bitinstant, something bizarre and possibly nefarious is happening - my guess is that funded transactions resulting from the GetQuote API call will wind up delayed for months while Bitinstant holds the money claiming that we messed up the fields when we submitted them.  Nevertheless, I need to roll this solution out tonight for a client that is using Bitinstant (against my advice) for their customers.  

Since there is literally no chance that this will be fixed on your end anytime soon, would this transaction go through if a customer funded it even with your mishmash of info?

You'd probably want to log this at so a dev can get back to you with a reasonable answer.  Thanks.

I contacted them.  No answer, and the API is still mixing up the fields.  As an experienced developer I can tell you that it would be more difficult to mix them than to simply interpret the data properly.  I cannot envision a circumstance under which this is not deliberate and intended to cause transaction delays while you hold the money.
Activity: 65
Merit: 10
Hello. Is there any update on my order? It was CVS to VouchX but I accepted MtGox as a solution however Seth had to transfer me to tech support and I have had nothing since then. It has been over 12 hours since the transfer. I just want some kind of update. Anything!
Order ID
Activity: 1974
Merit: 1010
Ya bitinstant scam

Did you have an issue that I can try to help you with?
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
Activity: 1974
Merit: 1010

Ursay, thanks for your reply.  The original support ticket (on April 15) was ticket_1xD202420813cNYA.  Subsequent emails from Bitinstant support all included the identifier [BWJ-EJXOA-604] and the original OrderID (dd887e40-dcca-4723-b0b3-1a7ee02f466f).  If you still need it, I will be happy to send you my email address directly but prefer not to post it to the forum.

Hey...I'm showing you've had extensive communication thru our support system and Rachel was able to explain your issue in detail.  Is that not the case?

Yes, Rachel has been very good about responding to my inquiries.  Unfortunately, the last thing she told me is that the issue is out of Bitinstant's hands.  Specifically, she has stated, clearly and repeatedly, that Bitinstant cannot re-route the transfer to my correct account number until MtGox cancels the original order and returns the funds.  Meanwhile, "Danny" with MtGox support has repeatedly told me that it's out of their hands and that only Bitinstant can help me further. 

In my current situation, I have no way of definitively determining who is at fault.  Since MtGox support has been unhelpful and inconsistent, while Bitinstant has been very responsive, I naturally am inclined to blame MtGox.  However, with each company pointing the finger at the other, I am not sure how to move any closer to resolving the situation (other than initiating a legal complaint).  I'm 100% open to suggestions. 

Thanks again for following up.

We sent your funds to the requested account that you asked us to send to.  Mt.Gox has your funds and my understanding is that it is very difficult for them to move these funds based on strict Japanese regulations.  I would suggest you ask Gox who is holding your funds.  If we still had your funds then we would likely be able to help you further.  Thanks.
Activity: 34
Merit: 0

Ursay, thanks for your reply.  The original support ticket (on April 15) was ticket_1xD202420813cNYA.  Subsequent emails from Bitinstant support all included the identifier [BWJ-EJXOA-604] and the original OrderID (dd887e40-dcca-4723-b0b3-1a7ee02f466f).  If you still need it, I will be happy to send you my email address directly but prefer not to post it to the forum.

Hey...I'm showing you've had extensive communication thru our support system and Rachel was able to explain your issue in detail.  Is that not the case?

Yes, Rachel has been very good about responding to my inquiries.  Unfortunately, the last thing she told me is that the issue is out of Bitinstant's hands.  Specifically, she has stated, clearly and repeatedly, that Bitinstant cannot re-route the transfer to my correct account number until MtGox cancels the original order and returns the funds.  Meanwhile, "Danny" with MtGox support has repeatedly told me that it's out of their hands and that only Bitinstant can help me further. 

In my current situation, I have no way of definitively determining who is at fault.  Since MtGox support has been unhelpful and inconsistent, while Bitinstant has been very responsive, I naturally am inclined to blame MtGox.  However, with each company pointing the finger at the other, I am not sure how to move any closer to resolving the situation (other than initiating a legal complaint).  I'm 100% open to suggestions. 

Thanks again for following up.

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